Wet, Wild and Wicked - 2005
Hedonism II, Jamaica
December 3-10
Everything listed is tentative and subject to change. Email Denny with updates or questions.
You might want to print this page and bring it with you on the trip.

Please read the note at the bottom regarding WWWers Only activities.
This list is still very much under construction and should serve as only to provide general information.  It will be updated as the trip gets closer.

I'd like to get some new activities on the schedule. Please email me with your suggestions.

Door Decoration Contest

Bring something to decorate your room door.  Something that will identify your door to your fellow WWWers.  It can be pictures, lights, posters, banners, message board, streamers or anything you can think of so others will know it's your room.  If you bring lights, be sure to bring an extension cord, there is a plug by the inside of the door.   

We will have a contest for the best decorated door.  Prizes and categories to be determined later. This is all for fun, and no one is required to participate, but it will help others know where you are and get to know each other better.   

In order to be considered for a prize, you must have your first names someplace on the door (so you can be identified) and the words WWW or Wet, Wild, & Wicked someplace on the door.

Denny will be the final judge, and all decisions are final.  If you don't like his decision, you can throw him in the pool, but he's been known to accept bribes in the past.  Final judging will most likely occur on Wednesday.  Prizes will be awarded at the gift exchange on Wednesday afternoon at 2pm in the piano bar. 

Christmas Stocking

Click here for information regarding the annual Christmas stocking project.

Evening theme - Patriotic Colors: Wear your country's colors to dinner and throughout the evening. It can be sexy, sheer, casual, dressy .. whatever you like. See the links page for some possible ideas.

WWW Winter Bash - More information to come.

Toga party and talent show. We have a good history of WWWers performing in the talent show, but we need more participation. The goal is to have fun, not be a professional! Let's have more acts than the staff. º¿º Let me know if you are going to perform and I will get people fired up.

The toga color for the trip will be purple, as voted on the attendees.

2 p.m. to 3:30 in the Game Room
Let's talk about Sex, Baby! - Hosted by Cat
Sometimes wine connoisseurs like to talk about vintages and cooks enjoy rhapsodizing about food.  Why not talk about sex?  Cat has over 20 years of experience facilitating frank, open discussions about sex, sexuality, and sensuality in a respectful and courteous manner.  It promises to add a whole new dimension to your Hedo experience!  Listen or participate in the discussion as you choose -- either way, you'll learn a lot. 

Miscellaneous events

Remember - all activities, dates, and times are subject to change - and probably will. Please email me with other things to add to the list. I welcome suggestions for events, but be prepared to help plan and lead anything you suggest. It's my vacation, too. LOL!

This page updated: 12/22/2007