WWW2005 Winter - Christmas Stocking Information - (Thanks Diane)

Christmas Stockings for the kids:
Several people have emailed me and asked for suggestions for the Christmas stockings that we stuff for the children.  This year we are going to do 200 stockings.  I've talked with Donna Grant and she said there are about 150 kids of the employees of Hedonism II.  There are normally just under 50 kids at the school.  I would love this year to be able to provide a Christmas stocking for each of these children (as well as a Christmas gift also).  In the past here is a partial list of things that work well in the stockings:
For the girls:
Hair doodads
make up (costume type)
jewelry (again, costume type)
For the boys:
matchbox type cars
plastic animals (dinosaurs, etc.)
small wooden airplanes
For either:
Small balls
Small stuffed animals                                                                                          
Individually wrapped candies/candy canes
small puzzles
spinning tops
toothbrushes (but I think Cherbunny has this one covered)
beanie baby type stuffed animals/toys
No one needs to bring enough for all the stockings, but if everyone brings a little bit, we really warm the hearts of some of the wonderful Jamaican children.  I've found one of the best places to get items is either at dollar stores (most cities have those, don't they?) or a place online called Oriental Trading.  OT has free shipping if you order $60 worth of stuff, and I've always had prompt service and really good luck with them.  I've taken the liberty to make a list of things that I know will go well in the stockings for anyone who is interested.  Please keep me posted (dyan4u@aol.com) if you decide to get any of the items listed, and I will try and keep everyone updated as to what we have/what we still could use more of. 
The stocking I'm getting this year are red and white plastic stocking bags, size is 10.75" x 15" so we will have more room in them than we did last year (this group is always soooo generous).  You can see them at:  www.orientaltrading.com and put in the search button: IN-4/3216 . 
Here are some other suggestions from the same site:


HOLIDAY HARD CANDY SUCKERS  Item Number: IN-4/2780  $5.95 per dozen
SNOWMAN BUBBLE GUM COINS (100PC) Item Number: IN-/K741 $3.95 per unit
CHRISTMAS TREE-SHAPED SWIRL POPS Item Number: IN-5/834 $3.95 per dozen
SANTA'S POPS (2LB)Item Number: IN-/K682 $5.95 per Unit (approx 90 pcs per unit)
SNOWMAN ORNAMENT ASSORTMENT (50PC)Item Number: IN-4/2811 $39.95 per unit

MINI FOAM HOLIDAY GLIDERS (6DZ) Item Number: IN-4/1517 $2.95 per unit
BOUNCING PUTTY IN HOLIDAY CONTAINERS Item Number: IN-4/3082 $4.95 per dozen 
GINGERBREAD MAN BENDABLES Item Number: IN-4/3068 $3.95 per dozen  
PLASTIC SLEDDING SNOWMAN BALLOON RACERS Item Number: IN-4/2635 $3.95 per dozen
HOLIDAY FLASHING BOUNCING BALLS Item Number: IN-4/3083 $13.95 per dozen 
PLASTIC SNOWMAN-SHAPED KALEIDOSCOPES Item Number: IN-4/2602 $3.95 per dozen
VINYL FOAM FILLED SNOWMAN FOOTBALLS Item Number: IN-4/3071 $5.95 per dozen
HOLIDAY JUMPING BEAN CAPSULES Item Number: IN-4/2990 $4.95 per gross  
RED & GREEN BOUNCING BALLS (4DZ) Item Number: IN-4/459 $4.95 per unit      
HOLIDAY YO-YOS (4DZ) Item Number: IN-4/1108 $6.95 per unit                     
HOLIDAY SLIDE PUZZLES (2DZ) Item Number: IN-4/20490 $3.95 per unit          
MINI HOLIDAY BUBBLE BOTTLES (2DZ)  Item Number: IN-4/1838 $4.95 per unit
BOUNCING HOLIDAY BALLS  Item Number: IN-4/3074 $8.95 per dozen 
BOUNCING SNOWMEN BALLS   Item Number: IN-4/2424 $8.95 per dozen               
HOLIDAY CHARACTER MAGIC STRING PIPES  Item Number: IN-4/3164 $4.95 per dozen 
HOLIDAY CHARACTERS WITH PUTTY EYES  Item Number: IN-4/1808 $3.95 per dozen
HOLIDAY FINGER CYMBALS Item Number: IN-4/3245 $2.95 per dozen     
SNOWMAN KICK BALLS Item Number: IN-4/2303 $6.95 per dozen              
SNOWMAN PORCUPINE BALLS     Item Number: IN-4/1228 $3.95 per dozen         
HOLIDAY SHAPED WATER GAME NECKLACES  Item Number: IN-4/2981 $6.95 per dozen
MINI CHRISTMAS SLIDE PUZZLE (4DZ)  Item Number: IN-4/2694 $3.95 per unit  
HOLIDAY RUBBER DUCKYS   Item Number: IN-4/4122 $4.95 per dozen           
WOOD GLITTER HOLIDAY PADDLEBALL GAMES  Item Number: IN-4/2944 $3.95 per dozen
HOLIDAY PADDLEBALL GAMES   Item Number: IN-4/1337 $3.95 per dozen        
MINI HOLIDAY KALEIDOSCOPES (2DZ)  Item Number: IN-4/13430 $4.95 per unit  
HOLIDAY SLIDE FLUTES (6DZ)  Item Number: IN-4/1574 $7.95 per unit     
HOLIDAY FINGER PUPPETS (2DZ)  Item Number: IN-4/14000 $3.95 per unit     
METALLIC STRETCH HOLIDAY CHARACTERS  Item Number: IN-4/2999 $2.95 per dozen
HOLIDAY CHARACTER BUBBLE BOTTLES (2DZ) - Item Number: IN-4/2393 $4.95 per unit
SNOWMAN SHAPED CLAPPER Item Number: IN-4/2887 $4.95 per dozen                
HOLIDAY PORCUPINE BALL ASSORTMENT (50PC)  Item Number: IN-4/1303 $11.95 per unit 
REINDEER CATCH PADDLEBALL GAMES  Item Number: IN-4/1212 $3.95 per dozen  
MINI HOLIDAY CHARACTER PARATROOPER-4DZ  Item Number: IN-4/3036 $6.95 per unit 
PLASTIC HOLIDAY CHARACTER SPIN TOPS   Item Number: IN-4/3084 $3.95 per dozen 
PLASTIC SNOWFLAKE WATER GAMES  Item Number: IN-4/2682 $6.95 per dozen
MINI HOLIDAY PINBALL GAMES (6DZ)Item Number: IN-4/1764 $4.95 per unit     
HOLIDAY MAGNETIC MAZE GAME Item Number: IN-4/3117 $5.95 per dozen   
SNOWMAN MAGIC SCREENS, 2DZ.Item Number: IN-4/2794 $3.95 per unit    
METAL HOLIDAY YO-YOS   Item Number: IN-4/285 $2.95 per dozen 
PLASTIC ROUND HOLIDAY WHISTLE  Item Number: IN-4/2975 $2.49 per dozen    
MINI HOLIDAY PRISM KALEIDOSCOPE (4DZ)  Item Number: IN-4/2882 $3.95 per unit
SNOWFLAKE MAGIC SCREENS (2DZ)  Item Number: IN-4/13690 $3.95 per unit     
SNOWMAN GLITTER NAIL POLISH Item Number: IN-4/2799 $7.95 per dozen        
HOLIDAY GLITTER LIP GLOSS KEY CHAINS  Item Number: IN-4/2341 $9.95 per dozen
HOLIDAY SHAPED SWIRL LIP GLOSS KEY CHAINS  Item Number: IN-4/3052 $8.95 per dozen
HOLIDAY FLASHING LIGHT UP BRACELET  Item Number: IN-4/3039 $8.95 per dozen
MINI BEAN BAG HOLIDAY ANIMALS  Item Number: IN-6/803 $9.95 per dozen 

Whew....I think that is more than enough to give you all a good idea of items that work well.  Again, don't be bound by this list, and by all means, this is a voluntary project.  If you don't feel like contributing, no one will be the wiser.  For those that do, I can't thank you enough for helping and for all the past years of your generosity.  Watching the kids eyes light up when we show up with Christmas gifts and stockings is my favorite part of the Winter WWW trip (ok, well.........almost my favorite.....lol). 

I will need help stuffing the stockings, and normally we get a bunch of us gals together one afternoon while we are there (if it rains, that's always a good time), but we never know in advance when we are going to do it.  I'll try to circulate the word for those that want to help.  Again, thanks and blessings to everyone.