Wet, Wild, and Wicked 2002 - Hats

Last day to order is 11/11/03 and you must use the online payment button.

Click here to see a list of orders received.
Click here to see a picture of the hat.

Hat orders are now closed for this trip.

Please fill out the form below and submit it. Then mail your check for the appropriate amount to:

DennyP Travel
28248 N. Tatum Blvd. B-1
Cave Creek, AZ  85331

If you would rather pay by credit card, use this button

to make your payment via PayPal (and fill out the form below). The charge per hat for credit card orders is $21 to cover the cost of the credit transaction.

Your hats will be sent to you in the mail prior to your departure. Please order early so I can give the manufacture advance time to make them.

(include last name)
Mailing Address:
Email Address:
Number of Hats: $18.00 per hat ($21 for credit card orders)