Wet, Wild and Wicked - 2006
Hedonism II, Jamaica
July 8-15

The email addresses contained herein are to be used only for personal contact by WWW travelers. Usage for the purpose of bulk emailing, solicitation, or creating email lists is expressly forbidden.

Trip Information
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You can email me a picture to be included with your biography if desired.

Name(s)/Ages - Click link for biography (& pictures where noted)
Hometown Email Address AOL IM
(if used)


Trip #

Denny(53) Y Phoenix, AZ denny@dennyp.com 7/08 - 7/15 22
Monty(42),Michelle(40) Y Apple Valley, CA mmranchmesser@yahoo.com 7/10 - 7/16 1
Bob(49)*,Linda(49)* Miami bob@keyinternational.info userbob5896 7/09 - 7/16 2
Eugene(43),Kelly(33) Y Hoboken, NJ njcpl07030@aol.com njcpl07030 7/08 - 7/15 1,2
Paul(42),Kim(46) Y Avon, OH Spookybud@aol.com Spookybud 7/08 - 7/15 1
Steve(50),Charlotte(47) Y Medina, OH StewB5@zoominternet.net  7/09 - 7/16 1
Nick(34),Jennifer(31) Y Springfield, OR nickandjen@mailshack.com 7/07 - 7/15 2
Bob(52),Jeannie(43) Philly jkanton@gmail.com 7/09 - 7/16 10,5
John(55),Caryn(49) Millersville ccs1313@hotmail.com 7/08 - 7/15 3
Ben(45),Carol(43) SE US fluffyk9@hotmail.com 7/08 - 7/15 1
John(38),Kim(36) Clover SC jpriestley@bellsouth.net 7/08 - 7/12 5
Matt(38),Suzanne(40) Y San Jose our_fun_trip@yahoo.com 7/10 - 7/14 1
Paul(37),Karen(33) Y Atlanta pohodo@yahoo.com 7/08 - 7/12 3,2
Brian(33),Shirley(30) Y Midland TX sampsonmycat@yahoo.com 7/09 - 7/16 3
Mark(47),Joni(48) Y Cincinnati dyhard32@aol.com dyhard32 7/12 - 7/20 1
Erik(42),Karon(50),Tony(42),Doraine(52) Central FL Housedenman@earthlink.net 7/06 - 7/12 1
Bob,Elaine Y Desert Hills, AZ mccrob57@msn.com 7/08 - 7/18 3
Wayne(38),Mindy(36) Ina, IL wclinton@frontiernet.net 7/13 - 7/20 1
Chris(50),Lauren(37) Y Knoxville, TN cbyrd14942@comcast.net 7/08 - 7/15 3
Russ(45),Jill(38) Y Austin, TX Jill@russjillalia.net 7/08 - 7/15 2
Beverly(38) Y Ft. Lauderdale pompanogal33062@aol.com pompanogal33062 7/07 - 7/13 3
Mark(32),Dawn(35) Y Glasgow,Scotland,U.K hedo2006@hotmail.co.uk 7/10 - 7/17 1
Dale,Cathy Y Lincolnshire, Illinois dale.bares@sbcglobal.net 7/08 - 7/15 2
Brian(42),Jules(40) Y GA julesingeorgia@yahoo.com 7/09 - 7/16 2
Duane(55),Reba(50) Y Kaplan, LA drgriff@kaplantel.net 7/08 - 7/15 5
Bob(50),Patty(49) Port Richey, FL Lets_couple@yahoo.com Bobnpat4U 7/11 - 7/21 2
Steve(48),Monique(46) Central FL utig1@aol.com utig1 7/05 - 7/11 4
Carlos(42),Karrie(36) VA muffy.5@netzero.net 7/06 - 7/15 2
Gerry(38),Christine(37) Y Plainfield, IL biggee810@aol.com biggee810 7/08 - 7/15 2
Pete(36),Lori(36) Y Paramus, NJ JerZcouple@aol.com JerZcouple 7/09 - 7/15 1
Scott(45),Debbie(44) Houston scott.mcqueen@nrgenergy.com 7/08 - 7/15 5
Bill(62)*,Nancy(59)* Dallas wadethebay@aol.com wadethebay 7/08 - 7/12 2
Mike(36),Kathy(36) Y Providence, RI kpquin87@cox.net 7/09 - 7/14 1
Steve(51),Catherine(48) Y Atlanta, GA lkocpl123@yahoo.com 7/11 - 7/15 2
Darnell(34),Kimberly(36) Y Washington, DC luv_bugg9@yahoo.com 7/12 - 7/16 3
Ed*(52) Romeoville, IL flyinged25@aol.com flyinged25 7/08 - 7/15 20
Jim (50),Tammy(42) Y Miami Jimsaztec@aol.com Jimsaztec 7/13 - 7/17 1
Kevin(39),Robyn(38) Oakland funscorp@yahoo.com 7/08 - 7/15 1
Kim,Betty Y Fort Myers, FL kandbc2002@yahoo.com 7/06 - 7/13 1
Jim(44),Debbie(45) NY Jsluyk@aol.com Jsluyk 7/13 - 7/16 3
Cheryl(39),Patti(54) Y Haverhill MA banchigirl@yahoo.com 7/12 - 7/18 1,1
Jeff*(50) Smithville, TX nynmileskd@aol.com nynmileskd 7/11 - 7/14 3
Jurgen(42),Laurie(33) Fredericksburg funm963@yahoo.com 7/08 - 7/12 1
Keith(38),Andrea(27) Louisville, KY yngkycpl4fun@aol.com yngkycpl4fun 7/08 - 7/16 1
Darrell,Karen CA karen4548@yahoo.com 7/08 - 7/14 9
kiddie5@verizon.net kiddie5@verizon.net 7/12 - 7/20 3,9

98 people as of 10/19/13