Wet, Wild, & Wicked - Winter 2003
December 6 - December 13

The email addresses contained herein are to be used only for personal contact by WWW travelers. Usage for the purpose of bulk emailing, solicitation, or creating email lists is expressly forbidden.

Trip Information
Register for WWW2003 Winter
WWW2003 Winter main menu page

You can email me a picture to be included with your biography if desired.

Name(s)/Ages - Click link for biography (& pictures where noted)
Hometown Email Address AOL IM
(if used)


Trip #

Denny(50) Y Phoenix, AZ denny@dennyp.com wwwDennyPcom 12/5 - 12/13 16
Darryl,Belinda Cold Lake casualcple@yahoo.ca 12/3 - 12/12 2
Steve(38),Sabrina(38) Y Woodstock, MD hedobound@comcast.net 12/4 - 12/14 2
Jeff(38),Tracy(40) Y WI jthomps7@charter.net 12/5 - 12/12 2
Kevin(31),Wendy(31) Y Norway, ME pnuts@megalink.net 12/5 - 12/13 3
Diane(45) Y Phoenix, AZ dyan4u@aol.com dyan4u 12/4 - 12/14 10
Steve(48),Debbie(44) San Diego, CA debbiesd@hotmail.com 12/6 - 12/14 2,3
Hilary(29) San Antonio sugarbabe74@hotmail.com 12/6 - 12/14 1,2
Ken(38),Sue(38) Y Lewiston, ME kenman@adelphia.net 12/5 - 12/13 1
Jim(40),Tricia(34) Y RI JimnTricia@aol.com JimnTricia 12/6 - 12/13 5
David,Debilee Y Minneapolis davidanddebilee@visi.com 12/3 - 12/13 7
Steve,Char Great Falls moltzan1@bresnan.net 12/4 - 12/15 6
Jim(45),Clare(45) Mentor, MN cat976@hotmail.com 12/5 - 12/13 5
Ian(34),Karla(33) Sheridan, WY ferrets@wavecom.net 12/5 - 12/13 4
Steve(42),Nancy(43) Hartford, CT Partymon@aol.com Partymon 12/5 - 12/13 6
Rick(43),Joan(45) Y Sioux Falls dakotagem@hotmail.com 12/5 - 12/10 1
Ron(36),Diana(39) Atlanta, GA hedo@eveningware.com 12/4 - 12/14 2
John(47),Nancy(48) Y Houston, TX jburk@tcwsoftware.com
12/5 - 12/13 3
Jerry(55),Edie(46) Central CA goneridin@direcway.com
12/6 - 12/13 6
John(49),Renee(48) Fairfield County, CT thesunlovers@hotmail.com thesunlovers 12/6 - 12/13 5
Tom(45),Cheryl(45) Y Thule, Greenland cherbunny@yahoo.com cherbunny 12/1 - 12/14 6
Jake(45) Y Chicago jcesarone@ripco.com jcesarone 12/4 - 12/14 14
Pete(32),Dawn(31) Y Lockport (Buffalo), NY pete.monte@verizon.net
12/7 - 12/12 2
Louis(42),Jennifer(33) Y Springfield, PA biehnprtg@aol.com biehnprtg 12/5 - 12/13 3
Lance(41),Michelle(39) Y BC, Canada hammondlance@hotmail.com 12/03 - 12/13 3
Bill,Patty Y Glendale, NY bk383@yahoo.com wrk383 12/6 - 12/13 2
Jake(30),Maria(30) Y Toronto xoxo_4u2@hotmail.com 12/5 - 12/12 1
David(36),Karen(40) St. Paul zilla@one800.net 12/4 - 12/12 4,4
Jim(48),Janie(47) Y Darnestown, MD jimandjanie@comcast.net 12/5 - 12/13 4
Simon,Brenda Austin simon333us@yahoo.com 12/4 - 12/10 9
John,Charlotte Y MD wsandmaster@msn.com 12/5 - 12/14 4,5
Keith(55),Ursula(53) Y Cherry Log, GA hedobuff50@aol.com hedobuff50 12/6 - 12/14 19
Chuck(60),Lynn(55) Y Perry, OH chubar@ncweb.com 12/6 - 12/14 6
Jim(41),Rayne(39) Y Salt Lake City Jimmie_n_Rainbo@hotmail.com 12/3 - 12/11 5
Rupe(40s),Pat(40s) Y Redding CT Rupe@optonline.net
12/3 - 12/13 10
Jeff(42),Cathy(47) Ontario, Canada jroberts11@rogers.com 12/4 - 12/13 6
Sean(37),Sheila(34) Y Seattle sheilap@pobox.com  seanbarker@ncplus.net 12/7-12/11 1
Gene(31),Leslie(25) Philadelphia pacpl2002@yahoo.com pacpl2002 12/6 - 12/13 4
Ian(43)* Y Fall River, MA ianumansky@hotmail.com 12/5 - 12/13 2
Corey(33)* Y Lancaster, PA CALDERFER@MHEBY.COM 12/7 - 12/12 1
Scott(53),Patricia(59) Chehalis scotthamilton50@hotmail.com 12/6 - 12/13 2
Tony(35),Betsey(35) Philly area tabets4@comcast.net 12/6 - 12/13 6
Joe(52),Barb(52) Midwest Jamaicajoe50@cs.com 12/7 - 12/13 3
Pieter(44),Rebecca(40) Y Baltimore rebecca@rebeccah.com 12/7 - 12/11 5,1
George(50+),Gail(50+) Y Cape Cod, MA bigdog8088@comcast.net 12/6 - 12/13 3
George(33),Angela(32) Y Shenandoah, IA george@stonypointkennels.com 12/7 - 12/15 1
Forrest(38),Karen(37) Y Annapolis, MD forrest_taylor@yahoo.com 12/6 - 12/13 2
Jerry(50s),Lynn(50s) CO elbow1@comcast.net 12/2 - 12/12 6
Brian(43),Deb(31) Y Chicago ofinterest@aol.com ofinterest 12/7 - 12/11 6
Dean(66),Phyllis(64) So. MN phyldeano@charter.net 12/6 - 12/16 14
Randy,Jean Y OK cherijean1@yahoo.com 11/30 - 12/17 6
Don(49),Denise(48) Newfield DoubleDslim34@hotmail.com 12/10 - 12/17 1
Jim(39),Nissa(31) Crystal, MN hedo2king@hotmail.com 12/5 - 12/13 7
Dallas(39)* Y Scottsdale, AZ robertchenault@yahoo.com 12/5 - 12/14 2
Ray(38),Ann(36) Y ME funcuple_2@hotmail.com 12/5 - 12/13 1
Richard(59),Jackey(52) Central CA richardf@netptc.net 12/6 - 12/13 10,2
Bob(49),Deb(49) Midwest sunnedbuns@hotmail.com 12/2 - 12/9 2
Alan(45)* Y Sapphire gasbike@yahoo.com 12/6 - 12/13 3
Kevin(44+),Trish(44+) Y Bristol, CT httubcpl@hotmail.com 12/6 - 12/13 2
Mike(51),Linda(45) Y Columbia Falls, MT pcubie@centurytel.net 12/7 - 12/14 1
Bart(39),Ellen(31) KY barthodgesin88ky@aol.com barthodgesin88ky 12/8 - 12/12 1
Randy(42),Shannon(27) Y Shenandoah, IA saelwood@hotmail.com 12/7 - 12/15 1
Brett(49),Christie(42) Y Morris County, NJ sndyhooknj@aol.com sndyhooknj
12/7 - 12/13 9
Bill(50s),Kathy(50s) Fayetteville, GA bnewton@bellsouth.net 12/9 - 12/16 5
Jaime,Hazel Y No. CA - NYC ILoveHedo@nyc.rr.com ILoveHedo 12/2 - 12/13 16
Bernie(45),Elaine(44) Y PA emk3@lehigh.edu 12/5 - 12/13 5
Gary(41),Georgette(40) Y So MD stein@gmpexpress.net argon1210
12/4 - 12/13 5
Russell(54),Cat(40s) Y Houston russelthor@aol.com
12/7 - 12/13 2
Chris(32),Kelly(30) Philadelphia zaaa61709@yahoo.com 12/7 - 12/12 1
Mike(50s),Caroline(50s) Y Bozeman, MT heliolator@aol.com 12/6 - 12/14 6
Brian(49)* Phoenix, AZ phx.2.mbj@earthlink.net 12/6 - 12/13 7
Bruce(43),DJ(43) Waukesha Co djgolem@aol.com djgolem 12/5 - 12/12 6
Gary(55),Karen(50) Y MI Kshel@aol.com Kshel 12/2 - 12/12 4
Frank(45),Lori(40) Y Fairfield, CA
Suisun, CA
12/6 - 12/13 12,1
Dana(38),Elizabeth(40) Y Clarion, PA dana1@tropicalstorm.com libby@earthdome.com 12/8 - 12/13 5,2
Bob(55),Anni(43) Y Phoenix bobnanni@aol.com bobnanni 12/6 - 12/12 7
Dave(49),Linz(46) CO harleydavesonman@aol.com harleydavesonman 12/1 - 12/11 4
Bill,Sandy SW MI sbheinzelman@aol.com sbheinzelman 12/5 - 12/12 13
Lonnie(50s),Lynda(50s) Milwaukee, WI lite874@aol.com lite874 12/11 - 12/21 7
Jeff(42),Nika(23) Y Key Largo, FL captjeff158@hotmail.com 12/5 - 12/11 4
Kelly(40)-M Chicago mjbass007@aol.com mjbass007 12/8 - 12/10 3
Bob,Suzy Muskego bkjeep@yahoo.com 12/6 - 12/13 6
Louie(59)* Y River Edge, NJ Hedobeach1@aol.com Hedobeach1 12/6 - 12/13 63
Alexander(43),Irina(43) Y Toronto alexn2394@rogers.com 12/6 - 12/13 2
Craig(47),Connie(42) Y Portland, OR ChivasMon009@yahoo.com 12/8 - 12/15 1
Don(39),Colette(38) Y No. VA DonKraper@aol.com donkraper 12/10 - 12/14 1
Mel(54)*-M Ft. Worth melbogus@earthlink.net 12/4 - 12/10 2
Storm(46),Denise(42) Y Jersey Shore storm_at_hedo@comcast.net
12/7 - 12/14 2,6
Chuck(57),Liz(52) Y Stamford, CT hedodivr@optonline.com 12/6 - 12/13 41
Ze'ev(36),Sarit(39) Y Tel Aviv exhib_cpl@hotmail.co.il 12/3 - 12/10 1
Gary(38),Becky(42) MN sid6069@yahoo.com 12/8 - 12/13 2
Shane(33),Tracy(35) Y TN tag100@charter.net 12/5 - 12/11 5
Danimal(43) Tokyo, Japan danimal@tky.3web.ne.jp 12/6 - 12/16 8
Paul(35)* Y Atlanta pohodo@yahoo.com 12/7 - 12/13 1
Iggy(44)* Y St. Louis negril111@aol.com negril111 12/7 - 12/21 15
Stan, Paula Scottsdale yoocotillo@cox.net 12/7 - 12/13 5
Kevin,Pamela Y Calgary, Alberta pamayla2000@yahoo.ca 12/1 - 12/8 3
Bill(42)* Boston frase_dsa@msn.com 12/6 - 12/14 1
John,Sally CT jep@edl.com 12/4 - 12/14 3
Quintin(33),Kris(35) FL frogy1298@aol.com
11/28 - 12/8 13,3
Glenn(45),Diana(36) Shelton, CT raltprs@aol.com raltprs 12/8 - 12/14 1
Jim(45),Kim(45) Houston speet_2000@yahoo.com speet2000 11/30 - 12/8 1
Michael(42),Joanie(42) Toledo penalt@aol.com penalt 12/5 - 12/12 1
Scott(42)* Chicago metarzan61@aol.com metarzan61 12/6 - 12/13 6
Paul,Terri Y Raleigh, NC eyething@nc.rr.com 12/3 - 12/7 3
Frank(44),Christine(41) Y South Kingstown cf2gether@aol.com cf2gether 12/6 - 12/14 6
Jeff(54),Loretta(45) Y Atlanta area hedoduo@yahoo.com 12/4 - 12/17 19
Sid(31),Tara(31) Y Chicago SexyFunCouple@comcast.net 12/6 - 12/13 7
David(52),Debbie(47) GA dwhitfield@knology.net 12/6 - 12/11 2
Tim,Laura Ormond Beach justbeachyiguess@yahoo.com 12/6 - 12/14 1
Tim(50),Holly(28) Providence RI, Bozeman MT tsnyder51@hotmail.com 12/10 - 12/19 1
Jeff(49),Cathy(48) Crystal Lake, IL jsmetters@ameritech.net 11/29 - 12/8 3
Sean(43),Trish(41) Paramus, NJ remi_96@hotmail.com 12/6 - 12/10 1
Gail(24)* Myrtle Beach SC gailsnow1980@yahoo.com 12/8 - 12/13 1
Vlad(41),Yelena(41) NY vlade@aol.com vlade 12/6 - 12/13 2

212people as of 12/22/07