Smiling57 is going to Hedo in July and with her she will bring
People keep asking me to post a list of recommended misc. necessary when partying Smiling style, so here it is....
- Wooden swing for hanging around Delroys
- Assorted glow items for glow night (bracelets, necklaces, cylume sticks, silly string, fingernails with spiders on them,
2" glow sticks for oral insertion
more soon
- 5" ring toss penis for some action on the tables in the pool
- 11" penis squirt gun for insertion of tequila till you gag
- 3" sticky penis for tossing at the mirrors on the ceilings in the rooms
(after consuming all that tequila)
(I see a pattern developing here! Should I actually admit to people that I have a penis collection?
Oops, I think I just did
- Pin the Part on the Old Fart Game (Are we finally going to play this? Ill bring the blindfold
- X-rated playing cards (These are a huge hit with the dive staff and Captain of the Pickled Parrot cruise!)
- Jello and Gummi bears for the shooters
- Purple toga with gold belt and accessories
- Assorted lingerie, white feather boa, and sequined cat mask for PJ night
- Denny PPPPP (My little plastic Denny doll who pees liquor in your mouth; or ear, or eye... ouch! ...when you pull his pants down.)
- Small black "thing" that has preprogrammed words that light up when you swing it for use in the disco or anywhere at night
- Pair of sexy dice for breaking the ice
- Large purple insulated container to help keep me refreshed
- Blue Margaritaville shot cup on a string to wear around my neck whenever I need to be dressed in public (and NOTHING else!)
- A huge box of Magnum condoms for
you know
- WWW Hedo bedsheet banner I painted in 99 to hang somewhere at Hedo so everyone can sign it (Remember it?)
- Paint for rainy day rock painting (I bring these every year and haven't painted a rock yet!)