WWW 2000 Summer Registration

July 8th - July 15th

Anyone is welcome to join - we are not a restricted group. At this time I am only adding people to the list that have booked their trip and put a deposit down.

Your information will be emailed to Denny and will be added to the list as soon as he gets off his butt. There is no obligation as a result of this registration. It will just place you on my email list to receive additional information. It will also let others get to know you.

Name(s)      Single: Yes  No
Ages (optional)
Email address
How many times have you been to Hedonism II (0=virgin)
AOL Instant Messenger Name* - if applicable

Please provide other background information. What do you like at H-II or what are you looking forward to doing there, etc.?

Please update the section below when you have your trip booked.

Is your trip booked yet?     No Yes Only register at this late date if your trip is booked. 
If booked, what are trip dates?
These dates should overlap 7/8 - 7/15. Use the regular Hedonism II visitor board registration for other dates.

*Click here for information on AOL IM.