Brett & Christie - December, 2005 Wet, Wild, and Wicked

Im not eloquent like Renee, and feeling not terribly creative, but  wanting to get this trip  documented I just get something on paper and hope it doesnt bore you to death. 

Ahhh Trip number 10 

This trip seemed to come upon us more quickly than usual.  This is probably because we were fortunate enough to be with many of our Hedo friends only 6 weeks prior to the trip.  So when we realized that it was only a week or so away we were surprised.  However, we were just as excited as we were on our first trip 6 years prior, just more relaxed. 

Nothing out of the ordinary happened along our trip.  We stayed away from Air Jamaica this year as we were just tooo nervous about the reported cancellations etc.  We traveled from Newark via Miami on AA.  The flight was fine, changing planes allowed us to meet up with Jim/Janie, Randy/Allison and Chris.  How nice to start the fun and laughter before we hit the island. 

Immigrations was a bear.  The lines were LONG and I think it took us about an hour and a half to get through.  NOTE  pee on the plane, DO NOT plan on using the restroom on the way from the plane to immigration, as it will probably cost you 30 min in line.  Jim managed to get through so fast that he and Janie had our luggage waiting for us when we got to the bottom of the stairs. (not a bad service!!) 

We traveled by bus to Hedo, drinking along the way ok.. Janie and I were because we thought to pack vodka and mixers, at the rest stop along the way the boys got beer.  So for the second year in row I hit the resort with a lovely buzz.  Yep.. I firmly believe in first day drunk the first day of each vacation is destined to be one where I drink too much. 

The rest of the week consisted of 1) attempting to get up in time for breakfast 2) going to the pool until they kicked us out  (we never made any lunchtime spins) 3) going to dinner with friends (all hundred or so of them) although we NEVER made it to any of the restaurants (how do you chose who to eat with?) 4) either sitting in the dining room until the midnight buffet was served or sitting inside or outside the piano bar until heading to the hot tub. Other than the MMB we missed all planned events (daytime anyway).  In years past I would spend time floating in the ocean.  Last year, I took my inherited palm tree island built for two out for a spin with Janie.  This year however, found me fully chlorine bound.  You would think Id be one big prune by the time I left, but some how it just doesnt happen. 

I must say that our first nite, Friday, after dinner about 25 of us sat around talking and laughing for what now feels like hours.  OK OK.. so I might not remember it but I have pictures.(now you all know why I take so many)  I also have the pictures of me wearing only my shirt in the dining room which must be why we were one of the lucky ones to receive the official notice from Hedo saying that we might be voted off the island by our peers due to showing our (my) genitals in public.  L  We KNEW who was involved.and we still have our letter! 

At some point that night our little troupe dwindled and frankly the order of events escapes me but it included,. Soggy sandwiches (which werent as soggy as I had remembered in the past and frankly.. they were GREAT), stripping on the piano with my girls, singing Christmas carols, LAUGHING, knocking on Steve/Nancys hottub room at 2:30am because we could. Funny they didnt want to come out to play! 

Other memories of the week:

I cant possibly list all the people that make our vacation what it is.  I will, however, reiterate a thought I mentioned on my last years trip report.  Our close Hedo friends, those that I manage to see throughout the year, those that we call and email  etc.. they KNOW they are special to us, and spending time with them at Hedo (FL, SandyHook, a party or wherever) is WONDERFUL.  What makes our Hedo trip extra special is all the others.  The other inhabitants of Hedo during our trip.  The people we truly only get a chance to visit with once a year but without whom the trip wouldnt be the same.  You all make me smile (except of course the closed minded woman who gave Renee shit!!!!) and we appreciate your smiles, hugs and the entertainment you provide. (were laughing WITH YOU)  there is NOTHING like a Hedo person.. and I just LOVE MINE!!!! 

I will not go into my time spent with Brett, but you all know vacations without the kids make that time soo special.  Brett takes me to Hedo every year (and to the parties, and the mini trips) because he likes the woman I become without the stress that keeps me down throughout the year, because he loves the way I smile when were with you crazy folks.  For that, and the joy he finds in my silliness I say THANK YOU. (see I  keep telling you people its all about me!!!)  He too is the most relaxed there then anywhere on the planet.  I find that VERY sexy.  ;) 

With that I bid adeu.. 

Huggs to many of you until next year to you all that know me so well thank you for your love and friendship.. I love you. 

Christie (&Brett) 

Ps - Of course the above is my opinion and has not been edited by Brett.. he would have probably said it all differently However, he would definitely concur with WE LOVE OUR HEDO PEOPLE!!!1