Steve & Sabrina - December, 2003 Wet, Wild, and Wicked

Trip Report Hedo II Wet, Wild and Wicked

Steve and Sabrina

December 4 14, 2003 

This was our second trip to Hedo II with the WWW crew and we had a great time.  To me, it is amazing that you can go a year without seeing most of the people in this group and it is like no time has passed at all when reunited.   

Getting There 

Uneventful flight with Air Jamaica out of BWI.  We went through the Items to Declare Line at MoBay.  After being asked several times by employees if we really had items to declare, we reached the desk.  When the customs agent saw that the items were for the school children did a very brief search (basically just opened our bags) and let us right through without paying anything.   

Met another couple and we took Tim Air in.  Buzzed the beach and arrived a bit after 2 pm.  Our room was ready (2115) was a bit further down the beach than we would have liked.  But we were back at Hedo II so all was good.  We unpacked and quickly staked out our spot on the beach. 

Things to Note 


Midlights and Lowlights 

Overall, we had a great trip and cant wait to get back.  10 days was perfect for us.  To anyone thinking of going to Hedo, you wont be disappointedjust discuss your boundaries and go with an open mind.  Sure, it is not a 5-star hotel, but the people are what make it.   

No names in our trip report, but many of you made our trip a great one (you know who you are!)  Thank you all and hope to see you all again next year.  If you are ever in Maryland, be sure to email us. 

Love and Respect, 

Steve and Sabrina 

P.S.  Okay, one name.  Thanks Denny for all the work you do for WWW!