David & Debilee - December, 2003 Wet, Wild, and Wicked

WWW December 03

Debilee and David 

First and foremost, we need to say thank you to all the wonderful people who made the trip so much fun!!  A special thanks to all those who took care of me while I was a single girl waiting for David to arrive 4 days late!!  Too bad he had to be late, but those of you who understood and invited me to spend time with you  and spend time with you and made me feel a part of the group, are awesome people!!  And the wonderful welcome you gave him when he finally arrived and making him feel a part of the group right away meant a lot to the both of us.  What an awesome group of wonderful people!!  We are not mentioning names, there are too many, and Id feel bad if we forgot someone!!!  But you know who you are!!   

I know all has been said by others; and so eloquently Im  not that creative, so it seems silly to type a trip report, but Ill try!!  Wish David had time to do it he IS creative (and funny)!! 

The renovations in the nude ocean view rooms are coming along nicely and to have several of them completed and open for viewing  was pretty cool.   

Well lets see, the food is, well, Hedo food.  But who goes for the food?  The ECs were a bit laid back compared to what Im used to from ECs at Hedo, but we dont depend on them for our fun anyway!  The jerk chicken and French fries and grilled cheese and tomato and bacon sandwiches are missed a bunch now that we are home!!  Its just not the same making them at home without all of you to share them with!! 

The H block fun and games were GREAT!!  What a wonderful bunch of people to bunk with!!  The antics!!!  The decorated doors!!!  The parties!!  The pranks!!  When I first got there (alone) they gave me room 2239. It was the last room available in H block, even though I had arrived the 3rd (before most wwwers)!!  Had a VERY nice single guy on one side of me (from Italy) and a WWW couple on the other.  AND as I mentioned, many other good neighbors as well!!  They told me at the desk they would have to put a King size bed in there, because it had two doubles.  I said there was no rush since David wasnt arriving for 4 days, but they had completed the replacement by later that afternoon!!!   

I met a wonderful woman who was also there a few days before her husband!!  Thanks, sweetie you are GREAT!!  And yes, we need to plan another trip for the two of us soon!!!!  We had a wild time! 

Speaking of the first nite; as most of us do, I imbibed too much!  Im used to having David there to take care of me and make sure Im safe, so I didnt even give a thought to that aspect.  Funny what we take for granted!  Anyway, a wonderful couple I met were more aware than I (at that moment) with the situation and after I told them I was really drunk and was going back to my room, he suggested she walk me back to my room.  Good thing too, because a man followed us out of the piano bar and all the way to H block, asking what my room number was etc!  She got rid of him eventually, as we werent going to my room when he was still following us!  On the way, I ran into a fire hydrant (literally) and apologized to the man for bumping into him!!  We agreed it was time for me to go to bed!  Thank you to my angel, Michelle.  Oh yes, repeater party was fun, but my 9 trips were not enough to win the free trip!!  When I was at Hedo two years ago with the wwwers in Dec for my birthday, a whole crowd of us all wore towels to the repeater party.  Its now become a tradition for some, so I joined in again.   

Thursday was spent learning to be a single girl and meeting a lot of GREAT people.  One of the highlights of the day was the gloved full massage on the floaty!!  Thanks a ton!!  And thanks to the boys on the side for the cheers of encouragement! 

Toga nite was the next nite, and several of us went to Kuyaba for dinner.  What a wonderful resort!!  NOT Hedo by any means, but for those who want a different experience (or have friends or relatives looking for a more tame place than Hedo), its a really cool place.  The eating area is right along the ocean, and when we were there (Christmas time) they had a tree up, and the Reggae band played Christmas carols.  Sure wish they had a CD of Christmas carols in Reggae!!  I would have bought it!  The bar has swing chairs, much like Marguaritaville!  When we returned, the Toga party was actually just beginning, so I watched some of my new friends as they participated in the whole thing, and then off to party at the piano bar and hot tub.  No, those are private stories.  What happens at Hedo, stays at Hedo!!!  LOL   

Friday morning was a bit of a sad morn, as we were informed of the passing of Lachi.  He owned the jewelry shop (yes, I  know they sell other things there as well, but its all about jewelry for me)!!  I had seen him the nite before as we were leaving the resort for dinner, but hadnt said hello; knowing I would be going to the shop the next day.  I feel SO bad for not saying hello to him now.  When his wife returned to the resort a few days later, I had the opportunity to convey my condolences and chat with her a while. 

I spent the next few days just having fun; laying in the sun, walking around talking to wonderful people, playing games, eating and drinking, meeting MORE people, and napping from time to time!! 

Most of the wwwers arrived Saturday.  Since the hot tub was not yet fixed and was COLD as can be, not many people ventured into it for too long.  Oh well, we all had fun at other locations!!!!  WHAHSAH!!!  (What happens at Hedo, Stays at Hedo

FINALLY it was Sunday!!  The day David was to arrive (although he was going to be about 6 hours later than anticipated as his flight was changed at the last minute!)  I said goodbye to some of the friends I had made that were leaving that day (sheesh, it takes a lot of sun time to say so long to people they were spread over a 3 hours period), but it was fun to moon them with other friends who were staying!!  Sunday nite was the wwwer Welcome party!!  It was a very fun time, and we won one of the prizes!  Thanks Denny!!!!!!  Then it was off to Pastafari for dinner with a wonderful group of people!!  I was on pins and needles with excitement because David was due on the resort by about 8:00 p.m.  I left word at the front desk where I was, and proceeded to enjoy Pastafaris!!

It was a wonderful reunion, when he came in about 7!!  There was much shouting and hugging and kissing!!  The people at the table got us a bottle of champagne to take back to the room and knew wed see them in the morning after our reunion!! 

Monday was the MMT!  First stop was Times Square for some shopping (or looking). As usual, I spent the entire hour or so in the jewelry stores!   It was a long day, though, as we decided to eat at a little place along the road instead of Ricks. They were NOT ready for 3 bus loads of people, so we stood around the cliffs looking at the awesome scenery. Listening to the surf hit the caves, and  then watched the sunset!  Ever as beautiful as from Ricks!!  Of course, the last stop of the day was Jennys!!  There was some sort of mix up, because no one got any buzz from these cakes (brownies).  I think they forgot to put a special ingredient in these cakes!  Id love photos from that trip especially the ones of all of us at the sunset!!  Thanks!! 

PJ nite was a fun nite!  It was in the disco, which we are not used to any more.  The past few trips its been in the dining room where its MUCH cooler.  Some people left the party early because of a big puddle of water on the bar floor.  Someone thought it would be fun to make up a story that it was a crack in the pool and it was dangerous to stay there.  An EC said it was not the case.  That made sense to me why would they leave us all in there if we were going to be killed by a pool opening up and swallowing us?  And the puddle was not THAT bad!!  LOL  Anyway, it paid off, both David and I won for our PJs!! 

Wednesday was the Erotic gift exchange.  It was a riot!!  Thanks all of you who put it on!  We brought an expanding dildo, and a chocolate body frosting writing pen  We won a game we had been looking for, and traded for a double bullet thing (some friends wanted what we had originally won).  It took a couple of hours, and I think it would be fun to do it outside by the hot tub or something next time, as that was two hours of prime daylight hours even though it was a bit cloudy, we all know we can tan through the clouds!!!  LOL 

That nite was Garys birthday, and we went to Pastafaris to celebrate and then off to the nite www cat cruise.  The theme of the nite was glow nite, so everyone had glow sticks hanging from EVERYwhere I had them on my head as well, as I wore a fiber optic wig.  I turned it off when a plane thought we were a landing strip!!! LOL 

Toga nite was a nerve wracking one for me!  I am actually a shy person, and any kind of performing in public makes me SO nervous!  BUT I faced yet another fear while at Hedo, and I entered the talent contest with a friend of mine.  We did a rendition of Sisters using big ostrich feather fans!!  We rehearsed a little Thursday morning, and then ran through it a couple of times before the show. Thank goodness we were 2nd (after the ECs)!!  My stomach butterflies were getting SO bad!!!  It was fun and people enjoyed the show!!  Thanks to everyone who supported the act!  As I put on the board, if anyone has video or photos, please send them to us!!!  davidanddebilee@visi.com   Thanks in advance!!   Or if anyone knows how to contact the film crew that was therethey were taking videos as well.   

Friday was our last full day, and we had to say good bye to MANY friends that day!!  I have not been on Moon Hill that much in one day ever!!  But it was fun to send everyone off with a butt (or so)!! 

Some not so highlights:   

There were no French fries at the nude grill for a few days.  They had them at the prude one, so sometimes people would walk over there and bring some back.  They ran out of bacon several times.  And tomatoes a couple times as well. They also ran out of bananas at the bar much too often!  I mean, it IS the tropics, isnt it?  I didnt care so much, as I do not like bananas, but it seemed an odd thing to run out of!! 

The sand fleas who didnt seem to stay on the sand!  

The hot tub temp was not regulated too well, and it was broken at least twice so it was not usable at nite.  It was either WAY too hot or had no heat most of the week!!  We would invade the prude one at that point!!   

Being a single girl:  having to carry my own key, my bag of stuff to the beach, get my own drinks, own food, own towels etc, etc!! 

The guard who came to our room, followed us several times, and made us feel like we had to sneak back to our room from the hot tub one nite.  THEN to have him knock on the door at about 4 am.   

The guard at the nude side who would not ask the Vinnie wearing TWO pair of shorts  headed on a raft to gawk at the couples having sex to strip them off!  We had to chase him off ourselves. 

Flooded room; and no stopper for the sink for 2 days!;  no stopper for the tub - EVER, even after asking for 10 days; no CD player for days (really a help when you are a single in a room company when getting dressed); no light bulb for main light AND one bedstand light for 2 days; and didnt bring coffee each day.  Thankfully, the water pressure and temp in our shower was good all the time, though. 

The front desk kept screwing up our departure date, so we got several eviction notices, confusion with flight, etc. 

Good highlights that dont fit elsewhere:  (ones I can talk about WHAHSAH)  

LOTS of Lobster to buy on the beach, and Robert has a GREAT new way to prepare them!!    

Piano bar was AWESOME most every nite and David wasnt the only one of us to sing!!  I sang with a couple of groups of women too !!  (that way they can drown me out)!!  LOL   Its amazing how many new songs were sung by people who rewrite lyrics to make them about Hedo!!  Much imagination involved.  Not the same OLD songs we usually hear on other trips to Hedo. 

Being a single girl:  enough said!  WOW!  What an experience that was!!!  Thanks again to ALL who helped me through David cuming late!! 

Naked Twister:  twice!! The first time, the pics are GREAT!!!  I had two boys I got to play with (and they with me) while we played the actual game.  BEST Twister Ive ever played!  The second time, another girl and I tried to distract the last guy standing so the woman could win!!  We did EVERYthing!!  Fun time! 

The barking dog game.wasnt so much fun, as funny!! 

Talking the pregnant woman into getting body painting done! 

Watching the pelicans swoop down from high in the sky into the water and come up with their dinner.  It was SO unbelievably cool!!  (dont forget to send us photos)!! 

Sunsets - and all the kissing and fondling while waiting! 

SOSOSO  many participants in the ring toss game and fooling the EC into moving the line up faster!! 

Watching my special friend in the trapeze program.  Ok, that was fun, but giving him courage and encouragement before the show was the REAL fun!! 

The dancing at the Beach party (by the way, which is MUCH improved)!!  I got to learn from the best how to dance Jamaican style.  A few Jamaicans took turns teaching me the moves!! 

New jewelry!!!! 

The Jug and what it did to people!!  WOW!  How does he get so many people to drink from that thing???? 

The film crew for Sherman Hemsleys film were unobtrusive for the most part.  And asking for extras and pretty much staying out of our areas was the best!!!!  They staged fake pj party etc!! 

People not knowing who I was from nite to nite.  The double takes when they realized it was me!!  One nite, the couple I was having dinner with just looked at me as I sat at their table.  He tentatively said, hello and was about to tell me the chair was saved, when he recognized my smile!!  One of the other guys I was spending some time with was at another table.  As I walked by, he nodded appreciation, and then jumped up and yelled Debilee!!  and hugged me wildly.  He was laughing SO hard, and said I only recognized you when you walked by and I smelled your perfume! 


The afternoon it POURED rain, and a sweet little thing handed out rain umbrellas!!  I wore mine over my cow girl hat!!  I know someone took my photo to send to me dont forget!!!  Id love a copy of the whole group as well!!! 

Being able to introduce a new drink (actually two) to the resort.(yes, I left the recipe at the bar).  Its called Tie Me To the Bedpost!!  It is delicious!!!  (and powerful)!  THEN, when I needed a change, I started having Amaretto slushies !!  Again, loads of people also fell in love with them. They had to get more Amaretto!! (funny how they could find more of that but not bananas and oil for the French fries)  lol   Maybe I should become a drink maker upper.  Good work if you can find itbarumpump!! 

What a wonderful trip this was for us.  Separately AND together!!  Im sure I have forgotten some wonderful things, but its all good!!! 

Thanks again to ALL!! 

Debilee and David