Jaime & Hazel - December, 2002 Wet, Wild, and Wicked

Hazel & Jaimes Winter WWW Trip Report Dec. 7-14, 2002

This trip (lucky #13) got off to a pretty shaky start.  Air Jamaica cancelled our early morning flight on Saturday, December 7th.  They didnt notify us beforehand so we showed up at JFK at 6:00 AM only to discover we either had to wait for the next AJ flight out at 1:30 PM or take a bus over to American Airlines to take their 8:45 AM flight.  Without getting into the horrible, horrible details we ended up leaving on an Air Jamaica flight that didnt take off until nearly 3:00 PM. 

By the time we got to Montego Bay we had missed the last TimAir flight to Negril so we had to take the bus instead.  The bus ride was not bad at all, and we were at Hedo within an hour and ten minutes, despite heavy Saturday night traffic in town.  Check-in was super-speedy and we were quickly walking through the dining room on the way to our room.  We stopped many times to greet and hug many of our friends who had been worried about us, since they knew we were supposed to have arrived earlier that morning.

After getting to our room and changing into more comfortable (read: minimal) attire we returned to the dining room to have dinner with Cheryl & Tom who saved us seats at their table. (Love youse guys!)

Of course, after a long day of traveling without sleep or food, having 6 Mudslides and a Vodka Slush for dinner was not very smart.  I dont remember what I ate from the buffet, but I do remember it wasnt much and it wasnt any good.  But the Mudslides were!  We made our way to Veronicas where I met Maz & Brian from the UK.  What a truly nice couple they are.  I think I met Jake there too.  My memorys a little fuzzy at this point.  But I do remember this: I got my first foot rub from Storm, the Ambassador of Good Will, outside of Veronicas.  Woo Hoo!  Unfortunately, soon after the wonderful foot massage I got sick from my liquid dinner so we called it an early night.  Thanks to Nurse Nancy for tucking me in for the night.

Sunday was our first full day at Hedo.  We hit the beach as soon as we could and greeted more of our WWW pals.  It was a beautiful sunny day and I spent it doing pretty much what I like to do nothin.  Laying around in the sun on the beach or socializing in the pool ahh, Yessss!  This was the day we also found out what the big surprise was that Denny had for everyone.  We each got a discount certificate for spa services.  Double Yessss!!!!

That night was the WWW Cocktail Party in the Disco.  The stage was piled high with Christmas gifts for the school kids.  Everyone was laughing, greeting, eating & drinking.  It was lots of fun, and I didnt even get bummed out when we didnt win the raffle for some free nights <sigh>.   After the party was over we decided to go back to our room and relax before our late dinner reservation at Pastafari.  Unfortunately, we never made it to dinner because Jaime got sick.  Actually, Im not supposed to mention (shhhh, Im whispering here) the shrimp incident.  But for those of you who know what I mean, it was a pretty rough night for my honey.  Special thanks to Dennis and to Nurse Nancy (again!) for coming to the rescue.  Words will never express the gratitude I feel for the way you guys took charge when I became inept and didnt know what to do.  And thanks to all of our concerned friends who showed up at the infirmary to check up on the patient.  Oh yeah, before I forget more special thanks to Carla for the EpiPen.  You guys are all so terrific and thats why I love this Winter WWW group so much.  You all rock!

The rest of the trip was spent doing the usual sunbathing, socializing, eating and drinking, socializing, floating in the sea or in the pool, socializing, de-sanding all the nekkid volleyball players with my new fluffy brush, socializing, hanging out in Veronicas, socializing, hot-tubbing at night oh, did I mention socializing? J

On this trip we went on the night catamaran cruise for the first time ever.  I doubt it will be our last time.  It was truly special.  We got to hang out with some great old friends, meet new friends, watch some shooting stars, and well, um enjoy a little romance under the stars.  ;)

One afternoon a few of us gals headed over to Queen Dis room for a Stocking Stuffing Party.  Diane bought a ton of red fuzzy Christmas stockings, and all the WWWers brought lots of little toys, candies, and other goodies to stuff them with.  We all had such a great time sorting all the goodies into boy and girl piles and stuffing them into the stockings.  I dont remember how many stockings we stuffed, but it seemed like 100!  It was so much fun. I cant wait to do it again.  Thanks, Debbie (aka Shower Queen) for taking over the de-sanding duties while I was occupied with this project.  I saw you through the window and you looked like you were having lots of fun with that towel. J

On Thursday evening our benevolent and beloved Queen got together a group of 21 friends to go to dinner at the Rock House.  It was the first time either Jaime or I had been there.   The view was beautiful, the atmosphere relaxed and casual, and the food was good.  I had a wonderful time, except for when the big lug sitting to my left decided he needed to see for himself if I had a bra on under my t-shirt.  OW, dammit!  That pinch really hurt, TWayne!  LOL thats OK.  Youll get yours someday, when you least expect it.  Remember what Thea said about messing with ethnic northeastern women.  Watch out!

On Friday Jaime and I had Peppermint Body Scrubs at the spa.  We used our special discount vouchers from Denny.  Boy, do I love those gals in the spa!  They do such a great job and they are always smiling.

Some highlights of this trip:

  My Indian Head and Neck massage on the beach.  What a truly awesome and unique experience that was.  I can honestly say I have never felt anything like that before.  Thanks, Maz!

  Foot rubs from Storm

  Floating glove massage in the pool from Tom.  Mmmmmmm yummy.

(Are you noticing a pattern here?  I have a title to live up to!)

  Getting upgraded from Gardenview to Oceanview because my honey has an admirer at Check-In tee hee. Its great to have clout.

Lobster on PJ night!

Finally getting a chance to wear my Princess tiara comb and all the pretty waist chains my honey gave me for my birthday

Having dinner with the Queen and her male entourage almost every night

Singing Bohemian Rhapsody in Veronicas on karaoke night with Nancy, Duck, and Jim.  That was the first time I ever did that!

  Seeing all my favorite staff members again: Elizabeth, Roslyn & Niskha (spa), Paulette (prude beach bar), Delete (tour desk), Charlie-mon (breakfast), Anna (nude beach bar), Robert (nude beach grill), and Agustus (nude beach).

  Meeting some of the nice folks from Dennys message boards whose posts weve read for many months.  Its always nice putting a face to a name. 


The lowlights of this trip:

(shhh, whispering here) The shrimp incident

  Missing out on the Virgin Initiations because of (shhh, whispering here again) the shrimp incident

  Missing out on a massage from Fred (aka Adam).  Where the hell was I?

That low-life guy in the hot tub who grabbed me and then moved on to accost other unsuspecting ladies until I finally got the nerve to tell him to leave.  And he did!

  The quantity/quality of the beach towels there were never enough of them and those that we found were extremely threadbare and scratchy.  Ugh!  Will this ever change?

  The continuing fluctuations in water pressure and temperature in the shower in our room.  Why does this never happen when we stay in Oceanview Prude???

The Hedo Crud cuz I came home with it L

  Having to come back home to reality <waaahhhh>

As usual, we enjoyed another great WWW week, and were looking forward to (hopefully) doing it again in 2003.  But in the meantime we will keep ourselves from suffering from DIF as much as possible by visiting our Hedo and FILP friends stateside as often as we can.

Lots of Smiles and Naked Hedo Hugs,

Hazel (The Pampered Princess) & Jaime (The Crown Jewels)mailto:ILoveHedo@nyc.rr.com