Ok, here is my official, first time ever trip report. So please be kind. After leaving Oakland around 6:00 pm on the second of July, I arrived in L.A international airport for the direct flight to Jamaica. I had been using Denny’s chat room, and talked to a couple that would be on the same flight and lo and behold, there they were in the check in line. Chuck and Devery. We traded stories while waiting then off to the bar for something to drink. Soon it was time and off we went into the wild blue yonder (Actually it was black, being it was 11:00 pm) for hopefully a wild time back home at the Zoo. Arriving in Jamaica at 7:00 am or so, we quickly got through customs and off to Tim Air. 25 minutes later we landed in Negril. As we pulled up to the entrance to Hedo I was beaming with excitement. Just couldn’t wait to get naked. Slipped into a suit and off to the beach to further disrobe. Walking the beach I must have looked like I was drunk (Which is not an easy thing to accomplish since I don’t drink) I felt higher than a kite. I think the first people I saw were Eric and Lynn. Now the rest is a bit blurred so I’ll skip the play by play. The first night there we had gotten together a group of people, Eric, Lynn, Frank and Tiff, myself and Greg to go out to dinner. We went to Kuyaba for dinner, it’s right next to “Da Buss” on the beach. Very nice, would recommend it if you would like to get off the resort for a nice dinner. In fact it was so good we decided to go again the next night, this time with more people. As we waited near the main bar waiting for people to arrive so we could go, bounding up the path comes Donita from Chicago. We all introduced ourselves and I invited her to go with us. Now it gets interesting. We move to the lobby to wait for the van arriving from the restaurant (Yes they do come to pick you up). While waiting there Donita asks, “What the hell is that sound?” I tell her it’s the tree frogs. She looks at me like I just fell off the turnip truck or something. “Ya right” she says. No really, I explained. “No there not, they’re crickets and there piped in on Muzak!” I can’t stop laughing by now. She even asks the people at the front desk. They tell her the same thing, trying all the time not to laugh. By now Donita is searching the bushes along the entrance to the main dining room for speakers to prove her point. It was classic! It was her first day, and those drinks do funny things to people, not the first time I had seen that happen.
Well that was the beginning of my vacation. For the next few days I hung out with a group and had a blast. Jenny (Scuba) was a wonderful single gal. Think she may grow gills though, spent more time going down (Underwater) than on dry land. There was Frank and Tiff from Vermont. Now Frank is the original cheese head, no he’s not a Green Bay Packer fan, he just LOVES cheese. Thought by the end of the week he would grow whiskers. Ed and Leena from NY. Wonderful people, but who would have thought that a mild manner house wife could get so wild. Whoa! Every night they would bring a bottle of wine to dinner only to lose it some place. Oh well. Dave and Sabrina, newly weds from Sacramento CA. She’s 22, he’s 36, WAY TO GO DAVE! Lovely girl. I think she’s hooked on Hedo, but hey, aren’t we all? Unfortunately Dave was ill for a few days but he bounced back nicely so he could join in on the fun. Then there was the lovely and quite wild Liz and her friends Paul and Vanessa from the UK. Whoops, sorry Paul, your from Scotland right? Enjoyed their tales of the wild Haditch (SP). Strange animal from the Scottish Highlands that has one leg shorter than the rest. And a very weird way of mating. There were so many people who made my trip. Talked to quite a few. Denny of course, Tom and Barb., Greg, Chuck and Devery and just a whole bunch of others. Oh and Pink and her leprechaun, Irish. Especially Donita, whom I hope finds more happiness in her life. Jeeze, I know there are more but I think I’m suffering fro short term memory loss. Well time to leave a week of ups and downs and everything in between. Saw Jenny at the airport and had a very nice chat (Who are you calling short man?). Thank you all, I hope we meet again, perhaps in December? I’ll be there!
Many Hedo’s…….Frank