Stacey and Keith - 12/00    (WWW2000 Winter)  

WHAT A TRIP!!  Back in May when Keith found the ad for Hedo II in Cosmo (he reads it for the articles J) and read it to me I never imagined that we would really be going there 7 (long) months later.  Since Keith hates (hated) to travel, I went online the next day and found Denny's site.  I read everything - all the trip reports, messages, etc. and a week later I booked the trip with the winter www group (before Keith could change his mind).  

A few months prior to the trip we (ok, mostly me) started chatting with people who were also registered to go with the www group.  I highly recommend this to everyone.  When we got to Hedo we felt like we were meeting up with new friends and I think it helped for us all to "click" much faster (that and our synchronized swimming J).  

We arrived at the Mobay airport and took Tim Air to Negril.  I know that everyone says to take "the bus from hell" on your first trip but then all those same people fly every time after that, so we decided to skip the bus and get to Hedo as soon as possible.  

As soon as we arrived at Hedo we met Wayne (my morning chat buddy aka Brainal Wanal) in the lobby.  All of a sudden I was really nervous.  I was actually meeting someone I had been chatting with, and shortly he would be seeing me naked.  We were told to go have a drink, room ready soon mon.  No problem, since it was going to take a drink (or two, or three) to get us naked anyways.   

45 minutes (and three Purple Rains) later we were headed for the nude beach/pool wearing only towels.  I had been preparing mentally for a long time and I really thought I was ready, until I got there.  To my surprise Keith just dropped the towel and hopped right into the hot tub, while I stood there deciding if I was really going to do this.  A few minutes later I was naked in the hot tub next to him and someone was squirting rum onto my breasts so Keith could lick it off.  We had arrived!  

I brought a notebook with me and had every intention of actually writing things down so I would remember later what happened.  We also had every intention of being active there - scuba diving, water skiing, kayaking, etc.  Something about the beach there everyone should know - once you are laying there all the energy you thought you had gets sucked right out of you.  So this report will not be day to day but just the overall jist of things.  

The activities we did participate in were body painting (Diane and Keith painted me.  Sorry Steve and Rupe for freaking out about the pics if it had been the end of the week I probably would have been posing J) and nude beach volleyball (ok, so I never actually played).  Keith also got picked to eat cookies off someone who had participated in the wet t-shirt contest  - does that count towards him participating in another activity?  Raiding the prude pool was a lot of fun and Diane even took pictures of us through the pool window from inside the disco.  We played nude pool volleyball and it was a blast, even though we couldn't get any of the prudes to take off their clothes and play with us.  Keith did go sailing (thanks Oli, now I have to add a sailboat to the list of toys Keith wants to buy) and he participated in "bare as you dare night" by wearing nothing but latex paint (sorry I missed that one - never again!).  

The catamaran cruise was a lot of fun, even though there wasn't much to see when we went snorkeling.  Thanks Julie and T. Wayne for the jello shooters, they helped calm my nerves (I was afraid of getting sea-sick).  Or maybe they helped give me the nerves to finally jump off that 40' cliff - what a rush!  ("Jump, the vinnies are coming!").  

Each day I tried to find a new drink of the day - Purple Rains, Dirty Bananas (yum!! they taste just like a milkshake), Pina Coladas and Mudslides.  But the best were the Vodka Slushes (slushies) we even got Pete and Wanda drinking those.  Thanks Wil for refilling the drink float.   

We spent our nights (or was that early mornings?) at the hot tub.  Dirty Dice was a lot more fun when we started making up the rules as we went along.  Thanks to Linda who kept rolling "eat ear" we all agreed that ear should just be a question mark.  Pretty soon we were just making up what we wanted for all the rolls - why not?  Who was going to stop us J.  

Of course the best part of the trip were all the great people that we met.  All my chatting  (and finally staying up late to Chat Diane) definitely paid off.  The trip would not have been the same without the "swim team".  Em - you were a great coach (and I loved the black wig).  Too bad you and Jay were only there a few nights.   Bob - we all loved the way you helped Val keep her nipple chain on during Toga night - where else could you ever get away with that?  Linda and Oli - you need to look up the word "switch" in the  Thanks for sharing and letting me enter your world - it was quite the experience.  Pete and Wanda - you guys definitely had the best shower (especially for a couple of Canadidians who live in And you have the accents, not me!  Scott & Debbie where did you disappear to?  We love you all and hope that the team will get together during the next year for "practices" (we definitely need them!).  Trudy and Les, even though you never joined the "team" Trudy is allowed to lick chocolate syrup off of Keith any time she wants.  

If I close my eyes I can see us floating in the water on rafts watching the sunset, or sitting on the dock laughing our asses off after Pete's joke about the couple taking pics on the beach.  I can see Wanda laying face down on her big blow-up alligator and I can see all of us in the cold tub with our vodka slushies laughing and laughing.  I can see us getting ready for toga night and Lin and Oli walking in to Pete and Wandas room in white togas - how long until they were off and they had purple ones on?  I can see us dancing (Wanda's leg on Keith's shoulder) in the disco and singing (especially Wanda, Trudy and Diane what great at Veronicas.  I can see us all in our "places" around (and on top of) Delroy's Bar and I know that Keiths clothes and mine are probably scattered about the beach and/or in Pete and Wanda's room.     

 Hedo come again soon mon!!!  

Thank you soooo much Denny and Diane!  Were it not for your web-site Denny we would never have had the best vacation of our lives.   Diane, as a fellow "glue-person" we will always have a common bond.  You are both amazing people and we are so honored to have been a part of your group and now friends in your lives.  

One last thing - The Jerk Chicken is absolutely the best (when you eat it) -  JUST DON'T EVER PUT JERK SAUCE ON YOUR PENIS!!  

Keith's Semi-Independent Musings:  

I have heard a lot of bitching about the accommodations going on in trip reports, so I figured I would throw in my two cent's worth (not to mention that I don't want you all to think that I have nothing to say):  

Food:   Most of it was very palatable. Some of the fruit (which may have been out of season) was not the best, and it took me until my third day there to find papaya and mango. The food at Pastafari's, Scotch Bonnet and the Dine-a-teria were all about the same quality, with the sit-down places obviously having more "saucy" foods. My advice would be if you were going to eat in the dine-a-teria, to get there early, because they tend to run out of a lot of the high-demand food early.  

Of course, you can't beat a good grilled cheese and fries combo from Robert's and the jerk-fish that Indiana makes is out of this world (for fish eaters). For those of you looking to get some of the jerk-sauce (for your penis or otherwise), it is Gray's Spicy Sauce ( The best sauce was a doctored version of the Gray's (who knows what they actually put in it).  

Accommodations:   Rooms were clean and the grounds were very well kept. My only gripe is with those damn showers. We need to start a fund to buy a couple hundred pressure-balancing valves so I don't burn my ass of in there next time around.  

Staff:   I would say that 95%+ of the staff is inordinately friendly and always has a smile to share. Once I actually realized that there really is a TON of security staff always around, I felt much safer there (not that I didn't ever not feel safe [except when dick-man was in the pool], but it's nice to have them around)  

Disco:   Too loud and someone has got to get them some 80's and 90's music. Between the techno and the quasi-reggae, I thought my head was going to split open.  

Veronica's:   Someone please bring some sheet music down for David, so we can get a bit more variety. He is definitely most entertaining.    

Stacey and Keith