DennyP - 7/00 (WWW2000)

July 7 - July 17, 2000

Well, another successful
Wet, Wild, and Wicked trip is now history. I'm not going to detail the activities of the week, as hopefully others will be submitting their own reports with the details. From trip to trip, most things stay pretty much the same at Hedonism II. Since my first trip in 1992, the only major change of significance was the addition of the nude pool/bar/grill facility - which was a very needed and welcomed addition. I will make a feeble attempt at sharing some of my feelings and emotions of the week.

I went into this trip very excited to be reunited with so many friends from prior trips. Even though the year passed quickly, there were many people I was looking forward to spending time with again. I was just as excited at the anticipation of meeting new friends, many of which I had the fortune to chat with online or through email. I felt I already knew many of them very well. I also knew that there would be some great acquaintances made among the group of WWWers that I hadn't had the pleasure of communicating with at all.

Everything turned out better than expected with regards to all the wonderful people who shared their vacation with me and with the rest of the WWWers. To all of you I send my most grateful and heartfelt thanks. You made my week special. While the large size of the group kept me from spending as much time as I might have wanted to with everyone, I wouldn't trade any of the time I spent with anyone. The days were long and sleep was short - but the experience was second to none.

My feelings were brought to a head on the second Sunday after many of the WWWers had left. During a period of downtime, a veil of sadness and emptiness fell on me. I realized so many of my good friends had left. They were in my life for a week and then they vanished, most of them not to be seen again for 51 weeks. Until that time, I didn't realize how close I had become to my fellow travelers and how much they meant to me. The bond among us ran very deep inside me.

As I relive the WWW 2000 Summer trip in my memories, the things that stand out to me are not the waits at the bar for a drink, not the music that was played in the disco or the nude pool area, not the rocks on the beach, not the heat in Pastafari's, and not the travel delays I encountered getting to and returning from Jamaica. What stands out in the imagery of my daydreams are the faces of all my friends, the sights and sounds of all the fun on the beach, in the pool and hot tub, in Veronicas, the discussions over dinner at Pastafari's, and the more tender moments spent with the very special friends. I hope those images never fade just as I hope those friendships never fade.

I love you all. Thanks for being a part of my life.
