Ron & Nicole - May, 2008


Greetings to all from the newlyweds.

What a wonderful trip. The weather was just perfect. The food was outstanding as ever and the service, well, the service was fantastic from the "old" staff, however the newer folks need to either learn how to speak and understand English or move to a different position. We both found it very difficult to communicate pointing to different foods and trying to explain what drinks we wanted.

Fortunately we met up with New Mike and Regina at the Newark airport. Ya know, it seems as soon as one joins the YNOT's there's like this comradeship, instant like.

What with 17 pieces of luggage between the 4 of us it was quite a picture. What naked vacation?

The plane ride was great. Poor Russell was kind enough to arrive a day early to clear customs for the 4 of us and ga-boom --- out of the airport we were. Nicky spoke French all the way out so the timeshare hawks didn't have a shot.

Found the Lomas van and low and behold there arrives Kim and Capt Dan. Now ya all gotta picture this scene. New Mike with his 90MM cannon, Capt Dan with 100 pounds of metal fish net and me with my new $3,500 Harley snipe hunting helmet. That along with the 17 pieces of luggage caused a minor delay loading the van.

What should have been a short 20 minute ride to Desire turned out to be 2 hours. Why? Seems these was an accident of sorts on the Indy Speedway a/k/a/, the Cancun Super Highway.

Fear not. The YNOT's can take advantage of almost any situation. The nice man driving the van had maybe 50 cold one's in a cooler. Between Mike, Regina, Kim, Dan & Nicky there were 0 left in the cooler by the time we arrived at Desire. They were ordering them 8 at a time. Also there were 3 "normal" folks in the van going to some vanilla resort after we first stopped at Desire. By the time we arrived- they were converted to a YNOT. Hopefully they will be joining us next May.

Check in was a snap. Room was ready. Luggage put away and to the lunch grill we go.

Lemmi see now. On one hand we have the beautiful beach and ocean water at Desire and on the other hand we have the dirty smog in Jersey. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Easy choice.

Not all was good in Paradise but I shall explain later on.

The erotic gift exchange was held on Monday afternoon. Now that was funny.

The fountain climbing, snipe hunt, donut carrying contest, deep sea fishing trip, sex contest, Betty Ford drinking coupon contest all took place. The winners were happy. The losers were also happy.

This group was without a doubt the most fun, respectful, congenial, down to earth group I've ever had the pleasure of traveling with. Big Daddy included.

The newbeeies' we finally met up with in person were a hoot. I don't know how many 100% certifiable crazies there are left in the world but if you really, really feel you are one of the chosen few, please feel free to join up and become a YNOT. Just email The Swami at for your exclusive membership. There you will learn the password and secret handshake.

Our wedding was beautiful. Stressful & expensive but beautiful never the less. If anyone out there in Desire Land is planning on a beach wedding in Mexico and spcifically Desire, write me at and I'll share how to MIGA (make it go away). The stress that is.

Claudia is Claudia and bless her hands. She took Nicky and myself out to dinner in Cancun on Friday night and we had a blast. She is one funny lady. A word to the wise. She is already 1/2 booked up for the May 2009 YNOT trip. Thank you Monica & Eric for the fantastic lobster candle lite dinner on the beach. As you will see, it was very a romantic evening. And to The Poor One & Cheryl, for the "Bitch" and the hand treatment & Jim and Ang for all the Colorado toy's. Seems Nicole is looking forward to the making of Ron's errrrrrr, ahhhhhhhhh, whatever in plaster of paris. Interesting mold kit, EH?

Oh yea. Joe & Michelle I'm still trying to figure out who to give the penis garter to so I'm just goina keep the thing. Maybe you'll autograph it for us next year? EH?

And a SPECIAL YNOT's thanks to our wedding party of Cheryl & Russell, Barb & Mike, Kim & Dan and a special, special one to both Wayne & Pam for our photographs. You guys are the greatest friends anyone could ever hope for.

Not to bore you with unimportant details of our trip, another word to the wise. BRING TRAVELERS CHECKS AND LITTLE CASH MONEY. There were 5 room thefts of cash & personal belongings that we personally know of and how many more we don't of is another story. They actually figured a way to get into the electronic safes. The Poor One and myself had our safes changed back to the lock and key type after the break ins.

Sort of like closing the barn door after the cow's get out. There are many stories I could share about management's general demeanor concerning the thefts but I shall pass on that subject and allow my fellow travelers expound on that one.

The disco was as hot as hell. 15 minutes was the max we could handle the heat. Been suggesting for years that the live music continue until at least midnight at the lobby bar of even a juke box of sorts. It's cooler. It's easier to have conversations and the drinks at the lobby bar are great.

Beach beds are not really an issue as Cyd has the situation in control. Very few completely covered beds are available. Suggest you bring 4 bungee cords to make a cover with some beach towels if you need the shade.

The sex police are on patrol on the beach for covert sexual activity. Ummmmmmmmmm, me thinks rather than worry about the beach they should be deployed to the room floors as added security measures. But, what do i know? My word, Bid Daddy and Mrs. Big tried and tried and tried but just couldn't get a ticket. They won the sex contest hands down. They were the last "man standing" plus they arrived 5 days early. No one could catch up. We all tried but numbers don't lie. Big is DA MAN!

Unlike Hedo, there's always plenty of hot water and the air conditioners work just fine.

Thank you all for helping make Nicky feel right at home and yes, you guys were right. Within 15 minutes of hitting the shores of Desire, she was IN TO IT. BIG TIME.

Also thank you all for helping make our wedding such a special occasion. Sorry it brought a tear or two to your eyes but what we both said came from the heart.

During the wedding ceremony, the really good looking judge lady asked, "is there anyone amongst us that would have an objection to the marriage of this couple?"

Doesn't someone from the guests yell out "I DO. I DO."

OMG thinks I, who and what.

Well, is was a fellow Jerseyite, Regina. She explains to the judge lady that the bride & groom have clothes on and they should be naked.

The poor judge lady just looks at us totally stunned. First time anyone -- ever--- has voiced an objection she said. I explained to her while the ceremony was continuing that just ignore her. She's a YNOT and cannot be held responsible for anything while at Desire. Regina, you are a hoot and a half. Some good lookin' judge, EH?

We both hope you enjoy these pictures. Naturally, we couldn't post all 600+ of them. As soon as the computer wizard (Nicole) sorts them out, we'll email your photo's to you.

Really glad we stayed the extra 2 days. Sort of gave us some down time plus we were able to compare the "activities" of the "INCOMING" troops vs. the YNOT's.

Just couldn't even look at either food or drink when we arrived home.

Meaning no disrespect to anyone, me thinks I wouldn't travel to Desire without the YNOT's.

Our breakfasts' at the "round table " were always full. The lunches at the grill and our dinners wherever we ate, there was always a group of folks just laughing their fool arses off.

Thank you all for being our friends and like I said at the wedding, "I've known some of you for 5 years and other for 5 days, but we both consider you all to be our dear friends."

Photo's will follow.

On my way to Moncton to visit with me wife for a few days. Damn, those Continental weekend sales are great. Less than 3 fill ups.

Lot's of other both good , great and not so great happenings during the week. I'm sure you'll read all about them on our trip reports from the YNOT's


Thanks to Denny for arranging this trip and all the YNOT's will be looking forward to joining up once again with the WWW'ers for our May 2009 trip.

Ron & Nicole