Scott & Barbara - August, 2007

Trip Report for Desires Cabo - August 4th - 11th
This trip was probably the best non-family vacation that we have ever had. (5 trips to Hedo III and 2 trips to Desires) We were at Desires Cabo Last April and had such a good time we wanted to return soon. This trip was was all that we had expected and more. Rather than go through the narrative of the whole trip, we will just touch the highlights for how the trip was different than the last one. (Please see the previous trip report from this last April.)
Russell (an EC) is still there. As with last time, he was funny, charming, social, and seemed to try to get everybody involved in the fun. He is still our favorite EC for any place and of any trip. Our last trip, he seemed to be the head EC. The resort now has several more EC's. Sylvia, Rosio, and Cesar. They were all great in there own way. This trip it appeared that Cesar was the head EC. We're not sure if that is the case, or if he is just more of a "take charge" kind of guy. In any event, they are very welcome additions.
The food was very good last time, but it seemed to be even better this time. They had a special barbecue at the pool one afternoon featuring local favorites. It was fantastic food! The service during dinner also seemed better than last time. In particular, last trip, the dinner service wait staff  seemed to get confused occasionally, and also forgot a few things. That only happened once this entire trip. The service around the pool was even more expediant this trip. The resort also had many more events planned through out the day including: wine tasting, a chocolate bath, couple massage class....
Cell phone service down there changed a little. Our cell phones still worked, but unlike last time when we could just dial out, this time, you have to dial 0-0-1, then dial your local area code and number. Cell phone service was our preferred way of calling home because if you use the hotel phone, each call costs $25.00 for the connection, then $5.00 for every 3 minutes afterward.
The last thing to mention, but certainly not the least, is the people that were there. This crowd seemed to be a much more lively, fun crowd. Our last trip, we met many friendly people, and playing was definitely available and going on. But this trip was different in that the group, as a whole, seemed out to have/make a good time. For us, Wayne and Sheila were a personal highlight of our trip in so many ways. So were Dawn and Mark, Bill and Sheila, Edward and Lisa... Some of the couples that we think had an impact on the feeling of the resort as a whole were Fabio and Martha, Scott and Wendy, Steve and Karen, and Lisa and Joe. We wish that we would have spent more time getting to know these couples. They seemed absolutely great. They really added to the atmosphere, but even more so, Lisa and Joe organized events like a Saturday night meet and greet and a bar tour. We enjoyed the meet and great and heard that the bar tour was an outrageous good time for all! Fabio also made arrangements with the staff for a large dinner for everybody who was at the meet and greet. This was an amazing group of people.   
Between the amazing job that the resort did, and the wonderful people that were there, this was an incredible time. Thanks to everybody! (And our apologies to anybody that we failed to mention.) We hope that future guests have just as wonderful of a time as us!
Scott and Barbara