Desire Resort & Spa - Beach Bed Policy
As of February, 2009 - subject to change at any time
We have implemented a system where 8 beds are reserved daily for rental. This means that guests who prefer to pay ($20 US per day or $100 US for the week) can have a bed reserved the day(s) they wish. They can come down at noon or 1pm and the bed is there’s. Out of the 42 beds we have, 8 are only used for this system. The others are the same system, first come first serve basis, as guests wake up and head down to the beach they go with the beach concierge who will let them know which beds are available and he will assign them a bed. Guests can use the bed all day, half day, 1 hour if they want, however if they leave the bed with there belongings on it for more than 2 hours, the bed will be cleared and freed for someone else to use avoiding that guests reserve beds with personal belongings. The 2 hour grace period allows enough time to go for breakfast or lunch and come back without losing the bed they were assigned. Thos who paid for there bed in our 8 bed system, can leave as long as they want as they have purchased it. I can tell you that we have had this system in effect for 4 weeks now (as of 02/16/09) and we have had great comments and have been doing well.