The email addresses contained herin are to be used only for personal contact. Usage for the purpose of bulk emailing, solicitation, or creating email lists is expressly forbidden.
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and Information
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to be placed with your biography
let me know when you 've booked your trip or want to add a biography.
You can email me a
picture to be included with your biography if desired.
Name(s) - Click for biography (& pictures where noted) | Hometown | Email Address | AOL IM Name (if used) |
Dates |
Booked? |
(with picture) |
Omaha,NE Phoenix,AZ |
denny@dennyp.com dyan4u@aol.com |
DennyOmaha Dyan4U |
12/11-12/18 | Yes |
Scott(28),Sharyn(30) | Sacramento,CA | crazygurll@aol.com | crazygurll | 12/11-12/17 | Yes |
Joe(23),Lisa(21) (with picture) |
Sidney,NE | hedoloco@yahoo.com | hedoloco | 12/5-12/22 | Yes |
(with picture) |
Birmingham,AL | 2ofakind@iname.com | 12/11-12/18 | Yes | |
(with picture) |
Tampa, FL | xxx2play@aol.com | xxx2play | 12/12-12/19 | Yes |
Sean(25),Tina(32) | Reading,PA | bitofsas@aol.com | bitofsas | 12/8-12/16 | Yes |
(with picture) |
BatonRouge,LA | kandl2@excite.com | 12/8-12/19 | Yes | |
Mike(24),Karen(24) | KansasCity,MO | mandkperry@aol.com | mandkperry | 12/11-12/19 | Yes |
Larry(28),Wendy(24) (with picture) |
Charlotte,NC | wrightsvideo@carolina.rr.com | Z3 | 12/14-12/18 | Yes |
J.J.(26),Debra(24) | Reno | hail33@earthlink.net | hail333 | 12/9-12/19 | Yes |
Mike(47),Sandy(46) (with picture) |
Bel Air, MD | BuerSan@aol.com | buersan | 12/5 - 12/12 | Yes |
Curt(38),Pam(38) | Seattle,WA | curtbingham@msn.com | 12/6 - 12/16 | Yes | |
Douglas(36),Jackie(43) (with picture) |
Houston,TX | dougox@flash.net | magumbo | 12/9 - 12/16 | Yes |
Don(47),Vicki(36) (with picture) |
Memphis,TN | balash@midsouth.rr.com | 12/11 - 12/18 | Yes | |
Terry(42),Karen(40) | OH | mscoachung@aol.com | mscoachung | 12/5 - 12/13 | Yes |
Robert(33),Peggy(34) | SanAntonio | professorx@express-news.net | 12/5 - 12/12 | Yes | |
Ron,Sharon | Alexandria,VA | rtyson@idsonline.com | 12/9 - 12/14 | Yes | |
Brian(35),Kellie(37) | Valencia, CA | grixel@hotmail.com | 12/9 - 12/17 | Yes | |
Brian(39),Deb(27) (with picture) |
Chicago | ofinterest@aol.com | ofinterest | 12/16 - 12/22 | Yes |
Don(50),Donna(24) | Erlanger,KY | dsturg9469@aol.com | dsturg9469 | 12/11 - 12/18 | Yes |
Daniel(39)* (with picture) |
Nagano,Japan | danimal@avis.ne.jp | 12/7 - 12/16 | Yes | |
Steve,Char | NW US | moltzan1@mcn.net | hd9878 | 12/7 - 12/16 | Yes |
Jim(50),Jeanie(37) | Tulsa,OK | fdbfg@aol.com | fdbfg | 12/9 - 12/16 | Yes |
Bob(39),Fran(39) (with picture) |
Portland,ME | bobnfran@mix-net.net | 12/3 - 12/12 | Yes | |
David(50),Joyce(44) (with picture) |
MN | tlt@rconnect.com | dajoy9 | 12/8 - 12/15 | Yes |
Boomer(33),Stephanie(30) (with picture) |
Columbia,MO | stephboom@aol.com | stephboom | 12/12 - 12/19 | Yes |
Tony(38),Princess Caroline(27) | Orleans,Mass | anthonypike@hotmail.com | 12/4 - 12/14 | Yes | |
Debra(42)* | Frederick,MD | debra@gni-inc.com | 12/9 - 12/14 | Yes | |
Stan(30s),Jana(30s) | Dallas,TX | stanjanandallas@yahoo.com | 12/9 - 12/16 | Yes | |
Ken(37),Karen(40) | Kansas | jaydoc@hotbot.com | 12/11 - 12/18 | Yes | |
John(52),Susan(53) | Harrisburg,PA | bikertrash@paonline.com | onenoname | 12/7 - 12/12 | Yes |
Jeff,Loretta (with picture) | Atlanta Area | hedoduo@home.com | 12/4 - 12/13 | Yes | |
Jim(45),Janie(43) | Darnestown,MD | jemskr@erols.com | 12/9 - 12/15 | Yes | |
Eric(28)* | Freeport, IL | ericsurf@aeroinc.net | desurfer5 | 12/15 - 12/22 | Yes |
Lee(50+),Aggy(50) | S.Jersey-Philly | flhtmv@yahoo.com | 12/9 - 12/18 | Yes | |
Orval(59),Linda(52) | DaytonaBeach | orfairbairn@earthlink.net | 12/7 - 12/15 | Yes | |
Jim(35),Nissa(28) | Minneapolis | nissaphd@pop.mpls.uswest.net | 12/9 - 12/16 | Yes | |
Paul(55),Cecilia(46) | Birmingham,MI | moricool@wwnet.com | 12/3 - 12/12 | Yes | |
Bernie(41),Elaine(40) | Whitehall,PA | emk3@lehigh.edu | chilly55 | 12/9 - 12/13 | Yes |
Bob(30)*,Woody(34)* (with picture) |
Milfort,CT | ub21qt@aol.com | ub21qt | 12/7 - 12/14 | Yes |
Steve,Karen | Atlanta | sm2x4@aol.com | sm2x4 | 12/3 - 12/12 | Yes |
Tom(29),Marlene(25) | VirginiaBeach | taco28@hotmail.com | 12/8 - 12/13 | Yes | |
Kenny(41),Ginger(39) | Cleveland,TN | kenny@hedo-online.com | gstar24330 | 12/5 - 12/12 | Yes |
Joe(50),MB(52) | Northvale,NJ | sexxxyoneforall@aol.com | sexxxyoneforall | 12/6 - 12/14 | Yes |
Dave(50),Ellen(45) | GreatFalls,VA | davetut@juno.com | 12/7 - 12/14 | Yes | |
Kary(25)* | Orlando | karimeka@hotmail.com | 12/13 - 12/19 | Yes | |
James(42),Leesa(37) | NorthernRockies | jsls@digisys.net | 12/9 - 12/18 | Yes | |
Charlie(32),Jenny(30) | PleasantHill,MO | jenrd@hotmail.com | 12/11 - 12/18 | Yes | |
Joey(33),Mary(31) | Holmes,NY | jmc6@webtv.net | 12/11 - 12/16 | Yes | |
Ruth(34)* | Southampton,PA | rlynnp31@aol.com | rlynnp31 | 12/13 - 12/19 | Yes |
Bill(34),Mary(32) | Richmond,IN | marykate69@aol.com | marykate69 | 12/13 - 12/21 | Yes |
Neil(46),Conni(46) (with picture) |
Lincoln,NE | juicer@inebraska.com | 12/5 - 12/12 | Yes | |
Brian(28),Amy(28) | Guthrie,OK | troubleontheline@msn.com | 12/9 - 12/16 | Yes | |
Rupe(45),Pat(43) (with picture) |
Redding Ct | Rupe1@Prodigy.net | 12/8 - 12/18 | Yes | |
Jim(30),Jodi(30) | Saratoga,NY | MSPYDE@aol.com | mspyde | 12/13 - 12/19 | Yes |
Kelly(27),Erin(26) | VirginiaBeach,VA | Kellyeod@aol.com | kellyeod | 12/17 - 12/23 | Yes |
David(45)* | Boston | v12@bit-net.com | 12/12 - 12/19 | Yes | |
Irvin(45),Kim(35) | Moultrie,GA | ieabayga@alltel.net | 12/7 - 12/15 | Yes | |
Mark(44),Lynne(45) | Bloomington, IL | haeffele@hotmail.com | 12/4 - 12/11 | Yes | |
T.Wayne(46),Julie(38) | WIllowSprings,TX | twaynelock@aol.com | twaynelock | 12/10 - 12/19 | Yes |
Tracy(30) | SC | h20tracy@aol.com | h20tracy | 12/13 - 12/18 | Yes |
Tim(40s),Sue(40s) | Midwest | timb816441@aol.com | timb816441 | 12/12 - 12/15 | Yes |
121 people as of 12/08/99