Last year marked our first trip to Jamaica to Hedo II. We did the
SuperSurprise Plus again and this time ended up at Breezes Runaway Bay.
After our wailing and gnashing of teeth fell on deaf ears at SuperClubs, we
decided to suck it up and keep an open mind. Rather than a blow-by-blow
account, I'll just hit the highlights, and anyone who has any questions
should feel free to e-mail me:
1. The food was mediocre to lousy. By far the best food in terms of variety
and quality was at the Starlight outdoor grill, much better than even
Pastafari, which was only average. The beach grill was, of course, fantastic. 2. The grounds are pretty and well-maintained. 3. The accomodations were a bit dodgy. For instance, there was mildew on
the walls of the rooms, which were constantly damp. Our housekeeper did a
great job, though.
4. The activities were good, and the entertainment staff was very friendly
and enthusiastic. Scuba was especially nice. The golf course was also quite
good, for you golfers out there, but duffers beware: the course features
several long (450 - 550 yd) holes. Work on your drives before heading out.
5. The piano bar and karaoke were OK, but not great. The staff had a hard
time getting people interested.
6. The nude beach is very peaceful but very small. The kids wandering past
from FDR next door kind of skeeved us out a bit, but we survived. The lack
of a full service bar was a pain in the ass, however.
7. The toga party at Hedo III was a nice change of pace. However, the
manager got cheap - he let the girls have free passes but charged the men a
penis tax of $50 each. As you all know, however, even at full price, the
toga party is worth it.
8. On the good side, all of its faults notwithstanding, we had a great time.
We met some wonderful people (much love to Tanya & Kacey, Simon & Danielle,
Jim & Kara, Cathy & Terry, Jim & Stephanie, Jason & Kimberly, and all you
others) and would definitely go back. In fact, we were having such a good
time we extended our stay for three days!
To sum up, the trip was a winner. If SuperClubs ever decides to put in a
swim-up bar, the place will be fantastic.