Day 1: We had to drive to Cinnicinnati, OH to fly out on Sunworld, so we stayed overnight at a hotel next to the airport. We asked for a wakeup call for 5:30am, the flight was to leave at 8:45am. On Mon, day 1, we woke up at 5:30am, but not to a wakeup call. We were very upset, not only that we didn't get a wakeup call, but that the time on the clock was an hour off because they had changed their time, but not the clock. So, it was 6:30am, not 5:30am. We tried to call the front desk, but the phones were unplugged!!. No wonder we didn't get a wakeup call. Got a discount at the hotel for that. Anyway, we got to the airport on time to wait for another 45min. We got on the plane and had to wait another hour on the plane because someone was still checking in. So, off we went to JAMAICA!! Got to Mobay @ 12:30p. Got through customs pretty quickly. Had Jamaicans singing to us at the airport. Nice. Went to the Superclubs counter and got on the bus. The ride was 1hr20min. It wasn't so bad. There was one other couple on the bus. The driver didn't talk to us at all, or stop, which I was glad of. We were ready to get to the resort and get nude. Arrived at Breezes @ 2pm. We switched to the au natural side, and of course our room wasn't ready so we ate lunch. By that time, it was ready. The room wasn't all that I thought it would be, but we wouldn't be there most of the time, anyway. We dropped our stuff off and headed for the nude beach. The nude beach had it's own self serve bar with everything you would ever want!! Jamaica Rum, Vodka, the usual alcohol, and of course, Red Stipe!! Got us a drink, and stripped to soak up the sun. The beach was beautiful!! The people were the nicest. This was our first nude experience, and it was GREAT. We were so relaxed!!!! Met Darren and Kristen here. They were to be our Breezes buddies. Went to lunch @ 1p, back to beach. I must say, the food here is the best!!!! Any food, any time you want. Cleaned up @ 4p and checked the grounds out. Very pretty place. Had dinner at the usual terrace buffet. Saw the dinner show. This was great. Very talented people in Jamaica. From here, we hit the disco and burned some of the alcohol calories we drank off by dancing. Went to the nude hottub for a little while, then off to bed.
Day 2: Gene's internal clock got us up at 8am almost every morning. The usual, breakfast, nude beach with Darren and Kristen till 1p, then lunch at the terrace. Back to nude beach. Met Joe and Pam. Got cleaned up for dinner @ 7:30p. Took nap from 8:30-10:30p. Got ready for PJ party. PJ party @ 11:30p at disco. We won Most Revealing!! I wore an outfit with leopard print, cut out at shoulders, belly top with thong bottoms and high heels, and Gene had matching undies to match. We danced for awhile. Went to the nude hottub for awhile, where we met Dave (Jimmy and the Twins :)~), and Carrie. Darren joined us, Kristen didn't feel good, and went to bed. The group of us went for the night swim in the beatiful ocean. How refreshing!! Went back to the hottub until 4am!! (Had loads of fun this night in the hottub. Not Hedo, but close to it. SMILE) Went to bed (I'll leave the rest up to your imagination).
Day 3: Set the alarm for 8am to see Joe and Pam off, but shut it off in the middle of the night, only to have Gene's internal clock wake us up anyway!!. Had breakfast and saw Joe and Pam off. Went to nude beach @ 9:30a. Got sun till 1pm. Went to lunch at usual place. Went back to nude beach to let food settle. I think everyone on the nude beach was asleep for an hour!! (cute). Woke up and Darren began to teach me to snorkle (not an easy task at first for me!!). Not only did I almost trip over the fins the first time I put them on, but I also had to have swallowed at least 1 gal of seawater!!! YUCK! The coral was beautiful! We snorkeled nude and that was a blast. Gene said he raised his head up to see me and all he saw was nude butts sticking up out of the water LOL!! Snorkeled for @ 20 min and went to get ready for dinner. Dressed up to to to Martino's for dinner. Was nice, but we really liked the terrace place. I liked getting prettied up for a little while. Took nap from 9:30-11p. These naps were lifesavers!! Got ready for Toga party. Had fun trying to tie these half sheets up!!Gene did pretty well. I finally got mine done with my toga looking like a tube top and slit skirt. Won coffee this night. Danced for awhile, then went to nude hottub. Made it an early night and retired @ 2-3am.
Day 4: The usual, Breakfast, nude beach, lunch, nude beach.It rained all of 2hrs today and then the beautiful sun came out. Gene, Darren, and I snorkeled by the reg beach today. I had a life vest on, and held Gene's hand, so I felt much better this time around (and I didn't swallow any water!!lol). Got ready for dinner @ 5p. 'Went to game room where my husband preceded to beat me in everything from pool to checkers to backgammon. (Jerk! lol). Lost 20 bucks in 10min in the slot machines. Oh, forgot, we went for horse and carriage ride @ 2:30p. That was nice. Champagne for us. The tour guy thought Gene was already drunk, and he hadn't even drank yet!! Went to dinner @ 7:30 with Darren and Kristen. Had Circus show tonight. That was cool. Took a nap @ 10pm, set the alarm for 11:30, and didn't wake up till 3:15am. Clock was set wrong (leave it to a male lol). Went back to sleep. Musta needed it badly.
Day 5: The usual: breakfast, nude beach with Kristen and Darren. Went on glass bottom boat @ 11:30 which was pretty cool. Saw some neat stuff. Went to get 4 braids in my hair at the other end of the resort with D&K. Had 2 Jamaica ladies fighting over who was gonna put braids in my hair. That was really scary. Went back and had lunch with K&D, then came the dreaded farewell to K&D. Missed them when they left. Got cleaned up for dinner. Went to gameroom, where I got my butt kicked once again by Gene. Rested in the large hanging wicker chair and was filmed by a TV station!! That was cool. Met Bryan and Leann here at checkers. Had dinner at usual with Bryan and Leann. Took nap from 8-9:30p. Went to talent show at nightclub where we met Lisa(all by herself). Talent show was pretty good for the most part, with some exceptions to the good. Went to the disco with Lisa where she got me VERY drunk with B-52's, BJ style. These were very tasty, but burned like hell going down!! Danced for awhile, went to nude hottub for a few and went to room to have a little fun before we retired to sleep.
Day 6: The usual: breakfast, nude beach, lunch @ 1p. Took shower. Played BINGO and got ripped! Got my ass kicked once again in checkers. Took a hammock nap for @ 45min on the nude side. Then, had to take a real nap inside. Woke up at 6:30p. Went to dinner @ 7:30. Went to Showtime @ nightclub. That was fun. Danced with Jamaica singer and band. Went to disco for a little and got sick of hearing Reggae music (we're headbangers!!), so we went to the piano bar for a little while and had more fun. Went to nude hottub, then on to bed. I started with the intestinal flu this night which was no fun the rest of the entire next day!!
Day 7: Breakfast, nude beach, lunch @ 1p. Snorkeled nude by ourselves (missed Kristen and Darren snorkeling with us!). Had fun though. By the third time, I was a pro, although, I still won't give up my life vest!! Took lots of pretty pictures under the sea. Had dinner at usual @ 7p. Napped from 7:45-10:30p. Went to disco and piano bar.. We also watched the sun set beautifully on the ocean! Went back and packed what little we had and hit the hay @ 1am.
Day 8: Bummer day. Got up @ 7:45am. Cleaned up, ate breakfast. Checked out only to find out that I had a $113 phone bill from talking to the answering machine 5 times, and talking to my kids for all of 20min. Boy was I in a bad mood after that!! I was also pretty sick with the intestinal flu and bladder infection(which I've never experienced before, and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy!!). Left @ 10:05a for the airport. Waited for at least 1hr in line for check in. I couldn't sit still, I was so sick. Went to the nurses's station where I got taken care of very nicely. The doctor was called in. I must have swallowed 20 pills.Had to pay $150 for the Dr., but I didn't care at this point. I just wanted to feel better!! The plane was delayed for 5hrs to top it all off. I was kinda glad because I didn't think I was gonna make it the plane feeling the way that I did. I felt much better except for the continuous bladder spasms on the plane. Had a bitchy lady in front of me that continued to complain about the delay all the way home!! Drove me crazy. The stewardess finally told her off at the end!! Got to Cinncinnati airport @ 9:15p. Customs was a breeze. Finally got to our car and drove home to Indy. Got home @ 2am.
I'd do this trip all over again! It was loads of fun. The people at the nude beach were all friendly and supportive of nudes! The employees were great, as well as the food and alcohol. Made alot of fun of our own, if you can just imagine. It's all what you make of it!!
Gene & Deanna 4/5/99 - 4/12/99