DennyP Travel: Jamaica Immigration Process

Date Changed: 6/11/24

This information was current as of June 1, 2024, as experienced by DennyP personally.

  1. Prior to my departure from Phoenix, I completed the Jamaica C5 Electronic Immigration/Customs Form online. Note: each adult has to complete a form.
    I received a completion notice via email and printed it. However, it was not needed. No one asked to see it.
  2. Upon arrival at Sangster International Airport in Montego Bay, I proceeded to one of the many available immigration kiosks.
    The row of kiosks on the upper immigration level were not turned on because they weren't needed. There were several kiosks in the lower level that were available with no line (Friday morning).
  3. I followed the simple instructions at the kiosk. It scanned my passport and took my picture. The process took about 30 seconds.
    1. Make sure you don't have a hat on.
    2. If you wear glasses/sunglasses and your passport picture doesn't have your picture with glasses - take them off.
  4. A printed receipt (see below) was generated.
  5. I walked a few feet to the automated entry gate where someone looked at my receipt and sent me through.
  6. At the entry gate, I scanned my receipt.
  7. The gate opened and I walked through into the customs area.
    From the time I entered the immigration lobby to the time I exited to the baggage claim area took 5 minutes at the most. I was told that if it were busier, additional kiosks would be turned on.
  8. My bag was waiting (miracles happen). I took my bag and went to the "Nothing to declare" green line at customs.
  9. The customs agent scanned my passport and let me through with no questions.
  10. I continued to my transfer agency kiosk.

Note the "C" in the bottom right corner of the receipt below. This means that the electronic C5 form was correctly filled out and there were no problems with it. An "X" or anything else indicates there was a problem with the C5 form you filled out online. If I didn't have the "C", instead of going to the gate in step 6 above, I would have been directed to see an Immigration agent to generate a corrected C5 receipt the would proceed to the gate.

The moral of the story is to be sure to fill out the C5 online form correctly. Pay specific attention to the date format. I was told that was one thing that catches people. The others are not, entering you name EXACTLY as on your passport or misentering your passport number.