Bill (Rasta Bill) - November, 2004

       First of all I'd like to thank you for providing such a fine forum for us Hedonites on you web site and secondly thank you for turning me on to such a GREAT project as the school goods donation a few years back during a summer WWW trip. Every trip down to Hedo since then I have made it a personal project to solicit and organize a school donation with the various people I meet at Hedo. I think we have made a small but significant contribution to the education of many children in Jamaica by providing them  extra tools to work with. I am attaching a few photo files from the school donation trip we had over this past Halloween/Anniversary Week. Feel free to use them as you see fit, either for your own viewing or posting on your site for everyone to see. I have verbal permission from every guest to send these pictures out and seeing as there is no nudity involved there should be no problem posting any of the pictures. In fact most of the guests suggested that I send the pictures to you for posting in order to get more people involved in donating supplies to the schools. Richard Bourke is deeply interested in helping the schools that are attended by the children of Hedo employees and is now "spreading out" the areas where the supplies go.
       The school donation this year was fantastic, people brought enough supplies that we actually went to two schools with sizable donations for each. Tavis Smith organized the trip out to the schools this year because Donna Grant went on vacation shortly after the Anniversary Party. The first school that we went to was VERY SPECIAL, the school was "Retreat Early Childhood Development Institute" in Negril Spot (just beyond Little London). This is the school attended by the children of the late "Fergie" Ferguson the bartender from the main bar who passed away on Halloween from colon cancer (a few of us guests did get a bus and attended Fergie's wake the night before, but that's a whole different story). The teachers and the students were awestruck at the amount of supplies that were donated; all the students got a box of crayons, Mardi Gras beads and a small bag of M&M's; the rest of the supplies were left with the teachers to use through the year. Smiles that brought tears to our eyes were from one end of the school to the other. We had lots of interaction with the children and before we left they treated us to a couple of "happy songs" thanking everyone for the supplies. Tavis then took us to another school even further inland near the town of Grange Hill to a school attended by the bartender Anna Grant's twins. This school was the "Solas Early Childhood Development Institute" and we were informed that we were probably the first tourists that had ever been up in this area. We were welcomed with great fanfare and you will notice the "welcome signs" on the door in the attached pictures thanking the "Bubble Bears"(sic). In the picture of the twins, the young lady with the pig-tails in the blue dress facing away from the camera and the young lad standing across the table from the camera are Anna's twins. Again each child was given a few pencils and Mardi Gras beads (we had run out of enough M&M's at this point ) and the rest of the donation was turned over to the teachers for use through the rest of the year. Anna informed me a few days later that the twins don't ever take the beads off and even sleep with them around their necks. These trips out to the schools to present the supplies are always THE highlight of my vacations at Hedo and all the people who manage to make the journey say the same thing. I sure hope you can manage to include the "Thank You Letter" picture or at least paraphrase it in some way. I would also like to add my personal thanks to everyone who brought down anything for the donation. As a side note, a few more contributions came in from other people after the trip to the schools was over. These supplies were turned over to Robert at the Nude Beach Grill for distribution to schools in his home town.

Click here to view a thank you letter.
