Dewey & Lydia

Weve been shamed into writing a trip report about our 2nd trip to Paradise, otherwise known as Hedo II. I had the best intentions of keeping a journal of our days, but, since laziness overcame me during the week, Im winging it. Some names have been changed to protect the innocent (or guilty, as the case may be), especially since they were supposed to be somewhere else for their vacation.

Unlike last year, we made a greater effort to get to know more people that would be there the same week that we would. We emailed, we joined the Hedo in June Yahoo group that Abe and Dolly set up (thanks guys!) and we roved the Denny P message boards daily. (OK, several times a day) We were so excited not to be first-timers this year that we wanted to make a concerted effort to get to know more people and get more involved. Heck, we might even play some of the organized games!

We arrived at the Atlanta airport at 4:40 am to catch our 7 am flight. Thinking we would be there ahead of the rush, we were surprised to find the line snaked back several rows. Note to self: Get to the airport 15 minutes earlier of when you think you should be there. Our flight left on time and my champagne tasted great.

Once in Mo Bay, we headed to the SuperClubs room (yes, I said room) at the airport. Its brightly lit, has nice, comfee chairs, air conditioning and they bring you anything you want to drink while you wait. Its a great improvement. We played Guess Which Resort Theyre Going To with the people sitting around the room. (Hey, it passed the time) The game was made easier after they put the tags that showed where you were going on the luggage. After about 15 minutes, I really started to worry because the Breezes folks left, then the Hedo III folks left, leaving us and a bunch of OBVIOUSLY Grand Lido folks. Will there be a bus big enough for all of us? Will we be here all day? But then, the SuperClubs people motioned for us to go. I had to will myself to not skip as we headed to the bus. Yippee, we were going HOME!

Since it was early in the morning--about 9:30--there was no one else on the bus but Tony, one of the Hedo staff members whom wed met last year, and us. On the way, we talked to Tony about Jamaica, his family, Hedo, etc. Finally, we pulled up to Hedo.

As we figured, our room was not ready. No problem! We romped off to the nude pool and we were naked in minutes. We grabbed some lawn chairs, some dirty bananas and killed some time. We saw Jesse and Debbie, friends wed met last year. Hugs, hugs, kiss, kiss and it was time to head up to check in again and grab some lunch. Still no rooms yet, but we found more friends from last year who had just arrived. After lunch, and several drinks, our room was ready. Doh! We werent in H block. Double doh!! The room was directly across from the spa. I guess well have to wear clothes on the way to the pool all week. We head back down to the pool. Met new people, hung out, had more drinks and tried to get out of travel mode into Hedo mode. When nature called, I headed off to the restroom only to discover that the ladies room was now on the other side. And its new.

But, be warned, thats where the big mosquitoes hang out. Note to self: Dont forget the Deep Woods Off next year. When it was dusk, we headed to our room to get ready for dinner. A couple of flushes later, and we had an overflowed toilet. After placing a call at the front desk about the toilet and also the cold water in the shower, we waited a while for a response. None came. We decided that we werent going to spend our vacation waiting for someone, so off to dinner we went.

Dinner in the main dining room was very good. They had a made-to-order pasta station and lots of hot and cold options at the other stations. It was better than I remembered last year. Wed tried to make reservations at Pastafaris when we arrived, but it was closed that night, as it was the Ultimate Men of Hedo contest was going on. There we were, captive, in the dining room, watching a show that was frankly, only slightly more erotic than watching the art auction. We left and went to play pool. Very fun!

Eventually, we made our way back to our room, just in time to see the people below us removing soggy items from their room and small ponds of water outside their door. There room had really flooded and they were being moved. We flagged down the maintenance tech and told them we had a similar problem, although not as large, as the other couple. He promised to come right up and he did. This gentleman (I think it was Litton, but Im not sure---reason # 692 why Im doing a journal next year) was so helpful. He made calls, stayed with us and by 12:30 am, we were moving to another room. A room in H block!!!! Note to self: If you dont like your current room, plumbing issues are the way to go. (kidding) The room had been so newly renovated that you could smell the wet paint and the final touch-ups had not been done yet. The headboard paint was still tacky. By this time, wed been up for 22 hours, so as long as the toilet flushed and the bed was soft, I did not care. We later discovered that most of the gang was somewhere above or beside us. Thank goodness for overflowing toilets.

On our first full day, Dewey and I hit the gym. Hedo II has good gym facilities, although the machines are placed a bit close together. Most of the machines are newer than the ones at our gym at home and are well maintained. Either that, or seldom used. I wonder.

After an uneventful breakfast and we headed out to the beach. That was the pattern for our days: beach in the morning, pool in the afternoon, hot tub in the evening. We met even more people, played some games, won some Hedo bucks and sweated our asses off. Note to self: Its hotter in Jamaica than you will remember it is.

We plopped down next to our friends Samson and Delilah and met Rachel, a great lady from California who was on her virgin trip to Hedo. At some point during the week, we all commented on how gutsy she is to come by herself and jump into Hedo with both feet. S & D were nice enough to make reservations at Pastafaris for a big ole group of us and we scheduled an impromptu theme night--schoolgirl night. Needless to say, we met even more cool new friends, including Biff and Blondie, had good food and got admonished by the restaurant staff (Delilah, what are you doing under that table?). We played a very interesting game of pool, headed down to the hot tub, then to the piano bar, then to the disco--where we tried out the pole and back to our room. Wow, an early dinner leaves a lot of time to party.

On Monday, we followed the same morning/afternoon pattern and then it was time for the Wet T Shirt contest. Blondie, Debbie and Angela in the contest and it was really fun to see everybody strut their stuff. I placed 3rd and Blondie and Angela won 2nd and 1st. Woohoo! My first bottle of rum! Wed told our staff at home that we would check email daily if they had pressing issues that they needed us to address. We bought 15 minutes of internet time at the front desk and were able to check it each morning.

That afternoon, we had our own contest--the Underwater Muffdiving Championships! Energizer and Bunny and came prepared (they were boy and girl scouts in school) with Underwater Muffdiving T shirts with a personally designed logo for those that placed. We went back to our room to nap, and I discovered something. As stupid as I thought some of the shows were on Fox, I now know that the Playboy Channel has them beat. Geez, I could barely watch. We took a trip to the prude side to ride the waterslide, and I met Brad and Heather, who we had emailed back and forth with before our trip. Its so nice to put faces with the names.

I had never taken any of the exercise classes offered at Hedo before and because my friend Debbie was teaching the class, I thought it was the perfect time to learn a little about Pilates. I must say that Hedo II has a pretty impressive variety of exercise activities throughout the day and I thoroughly enjoyed Debbies class. To find out which classes are available, a schedule is right outside the gym door. Ill definitely remember to look at the beginning of the week next year.

That night Angela and Matt invited us to Musauna. It was good, but its Japanese with a Jamaica flair. After that, we headed to the piano bar again and had a pretty good time. Later that night, we had our first Hedo In June Special Olympics moment.

On Tuesday, we went snorkeling. It was my first time and boy was it fun! Later, I accompanied Biff, Blondie, Energizer and Bunny to Sandals to take their vacation photos. It was my first time leaving Hedo in two trips. Sandals grounds are really lovely, but its sooo quiet. After dinner, it was time for the PJ party. Dewey and I took second place in some category (we couldnt hear the category title) and won our second bottle of rum. Yippee!

We had a lazy Wednesday morning at the beach. Dewey got out on a float, while I finished a book and killed the ants that dropped down from the tree and landed on me. That afternoon, after doing lots of blowjobs (get your minds out of the gutterits a drink), we watched as couple of couples put on a real show by the pool. Boy, its only 2 oclock. At 4, us girls headed off to the gym for Exotic Dance class. The guys were in tow, armed with drinks and cameras. That afternoon, I gained a new appreciation for the ladies who work in the exotic dance industry. It takes a lot of effort to get up and down on the floor gracefully. The guys took pictures and taped dollar bills to the windows.

E & B had their anniversary celebration at dinner that night. The table was decorated nicely and there were bottles of bubbly. After dinner, we sauntered off to the piano bar. There were lots of singers and everyone was in good spirits. We talked to a couple that had recently been to Desire and asked about their impressions of the new resort. Then, someone, (thanks Bunny!) thought it would be great if we sang Summer Lovin. Ive never been heckled at a karaoke bar. People ran from the room covering their ears. If you were there, I apologize. We ran from the bar, fearing that people were going to throw things! Note to self: Never agree to sing a song you barely know with a bunch of drunk people.

We made our way to the hot tub. Things were just starting to get interesting and low and behold, Biff was tapped on the shoulder and we were stopped by THE SEX POLICE (I thought they were an urban legend) and told to take it to the room. It was nearly midnight! It figuresthats what our evening has been like. So, we decide to go out on one of the floating platforms. We had a great time, until a couple of Vinnies decided we wouldnt mind if they waded up to the platform. Do you see a pattern forming? After we laughed for about 20 minutes, we decide to take the party elsewhere. As we were heading back through the pool area, we saw the same two Vinnies had found someone else to play with. Hey, wheres the Sex Police when you need them?

Its really late and were on a mission for food. We go to the main dining area and theres nothing but boiling water and no place to get a drink (as if we needed any by this point). Then, we head to the disco. The music is still playing, but the place is deserted. Energizer decides to try upside down pole sliding, which spawns a whole discussion of good naked vs. bad naked. (That was bad naked E!) Still no drinks and no eats. Note to self: Stock up on snacks at the sundry shop to cure late night hunger. Finally, we decide to call it a night. It was 3:30 am.

Thursday was my birthday. We went waterskiing in the morning. (Actually, the girls knee boarded and the guys attempted waterskiing.) We went on the booze cruise to Ricks Caf in the afternoon. Im not really sure why it was called a booze cruise though, because there was only beer and rum. We had some appetizers at Ricks, watched the divers and had a good time sitting and talking. It was really odd to be somewhere where other tourists from other resorts were. They had on lots of clothes and there were children. Its funny how quickly you get used to the Hedo environment.

That night, we had a toga tying party. Dew took some napkins from the dining room and we fashioned some great togas with them. My sweetie had planned a birthday celebration with the decorated table, champagne and the works. I entered the Sexiest Woman contest that night and won! Cool, more rum! After that, the disco was lots of fun. Ah, yes, and there was another SO moment.

Friday. Depression has set in. We saw Mike and Jane, who wed met during the week. They were going home that day. Oh no, the leaving has started! We had our couples massage which was FABULOUS. We had to tear ourselves away to go to the Exotic Dance class that afternoon. We had an uneventful dinner and decided to head to the TV roomor the Playroom as its now called. It looks like every VIP room at a gentlemans club. The room is dark, and (thank God!) air conditioned. We headed to the hot tub, and were surrounded by people we didnt know. Its next weeks group. Oh, the agony of it! We packed that night and got about 1 hour of sleep. Our bags had to be out by 5 am and we had to be on the bus at 6 am to catch our 9 am flight. Note to self: Never, ever, ever book that early of a return flight.

Energizer and Bunny saw us off at the front desk. We hugged, said goodbye, and hopped on the empty bus back to Mo Bay. Once there, we waited in the mother of all airport lines. I had on my newly purchased Hedo T shirt. We overheard two ladies in front of us talking. They were talking about Hedo and how the bartenders wouldnt serve you at the resort unless you took off your clothes and what an awful place it was. Dew and I looked at each other and just laughed.  Only 349 days until we get to return to that AWFUL place!


Dewey & Lydia