Chris & Suzanne - November, 2003

Third trip, first report.

Basics (repeaters can skip).
We take the red-eye out of Los Angeles, and arrive in Montego Bay around 6:30AM. Good flight, slept most of the way. Now that the bus is averaging one hour 10 minutes we take it. No need to save a few minutes arriving that early in the morning. This was the first time our room wasn't ready, so we headed to the nude pool. Room was ready at 1:00PM. Stored our stuff, and back to the pool.

We have always enjoyed the resort, mostly because every trip is slightly different. The food has been decent. Service was pretty good, etc. BUT this year was amazing. The food was still good, but the service was outstanding. If you even looked at your glass of water the restaurant staff was there to fill it up. When they were not swamped with work, they would bring drinks from the bar. Housekeeping was great as had clean beach towels in our room each day. It was either cooler in the evenings than before, or the air conditioners were working better. We actually turn it off before we went to sleep.

The music was lower during dinner so we could have a conversation, except for the steel drums one night.

We were H-block, no trouble with water fluctuation, except for one day. I even think they improved the quality of the toilet paper.

I noticed more security around. In fact I encountered the aftermath of what appeared to be a difference of opinion between two male guests, and surrounding them was Hedo security, and another uniformed (military?) person with, what appeared to be, an M-16. During our bus trip we also noticed a large military presence along the road from Mo Bay.

This was our first wedding anniversary. We were married there last Spanksgiving. We were able to reserve one of the large tables to celebrate with our friends. They even spelled out 'Happy Anniversary" on the table with some type of flower. Well actually they spelled out "Happy Birthday" but we fixed it.

It was wonderful to see friends we had met over the last two years. We also met some new friends as well. We did miss those who couldn't make it this year, and for them I will try to underplay the GREAT time we had.

The weather was great, except for one day when it was mostly overcast with light on-and-off rain. Actually gave us a day of rest.

We finally got our happy asses out of the pool and did para-sailing, which was fun. We did a tandem that cost $70.00. Just the boat ride out to the boat that took us up was worth the price of admission.

The resort did not seem as full this year as in the past. Could be from the rooms that were out of commission being redone.

Reading trip reports and message board on DennyP, it almost seems like we were at a different resort.. No "crud", nor anyone talking about getting it while we were there. Noise from construction? We didn't hear any, but every so often we could smell the paint/glue they were using, but is was not a big deal. Maybe I'm just to easy.

Suzanne tried the jets in the cool/filter pool. Enough said on that subject.

Tim Air kamikaze attacks. O.K. it is fun and exciting, but I thought it was way over the top with the low flying. Is it to attract customers now that the bus ride is probably taken by more people, and they need the business.

Dissatisfied with
Coffee pot in room did not work again. I need my coffee in the morning without walking to get it.

Don't hate me for this, but there seemed to be more single men this year. Normally I don't mind, but they would come over and talk it seemed they would talk to the female partner and ignore the fact she had a companion. They would also casually touch the women on the legs or behind. Now I thought touching, even casually, was O.K. only after asking permission. These moves were from people who should know better, and that surprised me.

Piano bar, again don't get upset with me, but when we go there we expect Dave to be there. Often he showed up late, and one night just sat back and allowed the other piano players to continue on. They were good, for sure, but no Dave. When Dave would finally begin for the first half-hour we got the same songs from the same people. "your an "asshole" is funny once in a while. I even refrained from asking Dave to play and sing 'One Love" for several nights, so when my bride asked him to play it for our anniversary - he (what it seemed like to me) is ignored her, and we got the same old songs form the same old (I don't mean old age-wise) people.

Suggestions to New People
The first year we arrived and were in the room by 10AM. Afraid to miss anything we stayed up and partied until 2AM. Pretty much wiped us out for the next day. The second year we actually took a nap, realizing that if we did miss something we'll see it later.

The second year Suzanne would wake at 8Am head to restaurant, while I slept, for breakfast and bring me something back. So I ended up with more sleep than her. She would get tired earlier than me, and that messed up our "together time" schedule. This year we made sure we were either awake or asleep at the same times so we did not get out-of-sync. This worked out very well. I recommend this to all couples, especially new attendees.

Chris & Suzanne