Hedonism II Anniversary & Wet, Wild and Wicked - Winter 2024

Hedonism II, Jamaica: November 30 - December 14, 2024
This trip will span 2 weeks and is open to EVERYONE in attendance anytime during these dates.

Registration Form

Anyone is welcome to join - we are not a restricted group. 

IMPORTANT: Please read before continuing. This registration page is meant to be completed by the travelers on the Wet, Wild, and Wicked & Anniversary trip scheduled for the resort and dates displayed at the top of this page. Only fill out this form if you will be at the resort during that time. It doesn't matter who you booked through. This form is not for getting information about the trip. This form is used to register for the trip. Do NOT register if you are not booked for the trip.

There is no cost to join the WWW & Anniversary group - but you must be registered to take part in many special activities. Your information will be forwarded to DennyP and will be added to the list. There is no obligation because of this registration. It will just place you the email list to receive additional information about the trip. It will also let others contact you and get to know you.

Back to the main page for this trip.

* - Required

First Name(s) *


Hometown/State/Prov *

Email Address *
Not viewable by public

Confirm Email Address *

# of prior Hedonism Trips *
(0=first time)

# of prior WWW Trips *
(0=first time)

Provide biographical information.
Optionally email DennyP a picture to post.

Is your trip booked yet (deposit paid)?
It doesn't matter who you booked with.
(select one below)

If booked, what are your trip dates? These dates should overlap the Anniversary/WWW date range of Nov 30-Dec 12 2024 by at least 2 days.
Use the regular visitor schedule registration for other dates.
Check-In Date * Enter yyyy-mm-dd if no calendar is displayed at left when clicked on
Check-Out Date * Enter yyyy-mm-dd if no calendar is displayed at left when clicked on