Steve & Sabrina

Bio:  We are SO ready to come back home after missing last year.  The lake at our house is great, but Hedo WWWW is home.   
Looking forward to seeing friends, meeting new friends and enjoying our time together away from the "real world".  One day our real world will be Jamaica whenever we want! 
What to say about past trips? 
Great friends.  You can be apart for years but once home it seems as it was yesterday. 
The school children 
Ring toss 
Beach at sunrise 
Beach at sunset 
Nude hot tub late
FILP Reunion 
Keebler Elves

 PJ night 
What do you want to drink tonight?? 
Getting our best place on the beach back
NO work and just us!!!! 
To all our friends, just a few short months til we are back home.  And to all our new friends, can't wait to meet you! 

Steve & Sabrina Steve & Sabrina Steve & Sabrina Steve & Sabrina