Brad & Karen - 07/00 (WWW2000)

Rookie Report: As 1st timers to Hedonism II, I prepared by doing what I consider requisite research. This first included getting Chris Santilli's book, "The naked truth about Hedonism II, an unauthorized guide", which led me to this oracle of Hedo websites, along with a host of others (which were interesting but of little concrete help). I was sold. We booked a trip to Negril. It turned out that this coincided with the WWW Summer Extravangza. By posting our trip dates we received emails from many well wishers and a polite open invitation to be included in the WWW group, no cost, no obligation. After visiting the chat room (meeting people like Diane and Baron, whom I both have complimented on the ability to "give good chat")and reading the addictive message boards -both Hedo II and WWW varieties, we signed up with WWW.

On Arrival we checked in and having done above prep work, we waited for our room by quickly changing to swimwear readily available in our carry-on gear and headed to the au natural pool. The nude thing was quickly done with as we just saw a pool full of 60 or more naked bodies and rather than feel awkward around them we just stripped. Done! and easy. We had already been greeted with smiling faces at the airport and then at the nude pool by Mike and Becky. Mike got his room early and made us feel welcome by allowing us to store some of our gear while we waited for our room. At 3 pm we were given our reserved room. No hassles.

The week was relaxing, interesting, Jamaican. The general attitude of the guests is affable and open. The only "dicks" we met were anatomically correct. There was plenty of skin to see and some sex on occasion. BFD. The staff were charming, and if responded to with a smile - ingratiating. Fellow WWWers and guests welcomed us as long time acquaintances. My wife, Karen has an exceptional physique, and I am protective of her - there was never a problem with any inappropriate comments or actions. We have traveled to many places on this 3rd rock but have not found any place close to Hedonism II.

I have read many disparaging remarks from mostly HedoVets about the changes and decay that have taken place at the resort. We enjoyed the food (yes especially Robert's 6 pm jerk chicken), the work out facilities, the beach and pool, the tennis courts and even the disco.As first timers, we have no reference point and will skip the negativity as we had a wonderful, well-spent, and wicked time. To other rookies - you will meet many beautiful people, some of which also have beautiful bodies. If you are looking to have sex with a woman other than and (not) including your wife, your chances are increased, but don't go with that as your only goal. Hedo has so much more to offer. Enjoy the mindset.

One of the gardeners (Seymore) was very friendly and kind. I spent some time talking with him in the mornings. One morning he insisted on getting me a fresh coconut. He poked one down from the trees and took out his machete and chopped off the top. "Here, drink the coconut water, it is good for your heart, mon" and tapped his chest, notched the open top of the hull and I drank down the clear, tepid liquid. He then sliced the coconut open, fashioned a scoop with the top of the nut and scraped the white curds at the base. "Coconut jelly, good for the bamboo, mon, keeps your pencil straight for a long time.", Seymore said. I swallowed the phlegm like substance and we parted as I headed back to my room. Karen won't let me eat anymore coconut jelly. Stuff works, dude.

Lastly, I must comment on the extraordinary Denny. I hardly spent more than a hello with him, but would like to publicly express my gratitude for his exceptional efforts. Denny, you have a generous and kind spirit - Maximum Respect. Brad of "The Brad and Karen show"