Charlie - January, 2010

Trip Report

“Wintering at Hedo”

Mis-Stay Update


I’m in day 41 of my 77 day adventure. Seems like I just got here. Whenever I have the least bit of a reservation about the choice I made, I look at the weather forecast for the Northeast and I’m totally convinced that I made the right call. I’ve even met Florida “refugees” who came for better weather!

The key for me to pulling this off (aside from DennyP’s and Kevin Levee’s invaluable help in getting the arrangements made) has been a change in my mental framework for this extended stay. First, I’m not on “vacation”; I’ve “re-located” for the winter. I decided that I’d replicate most of my normal at-home activities here, with modifications for the weather and lifestyle. I brought my laptop and arranged for a wired connection in the room. I also brought my e-reader (Nook Color) so I can get the Wall Street Journal daily and BusinessWeek. I keep on top of e-mail, online news outlets (I don’t watch TV) and selected blogs. I get to the gym every other day and have taken-up yoga on non-gym days. I also watch the scale and adjust eating / drinking accordingly. As a result, physically and mentally I feel totally in balance while meeting the wonderful cascade of new people and enjoying splendid weather. Just looking at my last month’s Amex bill, I saved a couple grand by not being home! (not including the Hedo “rental” costs of course). If this keeps up, the net cost of wintering here becomes relatively reasonable.

So far, this has been an excellent decision and several folks I’ve met are thinking of how they could replicate my experience given their own personal situations. I can see this turning into a small “Wintering Colony” over the next few years.


Other Keys to “survival”:

·         Identify up front why you’re wintering here and keep those in mind when the little things don’t go your way.

·         Take occasional days-off; eat lite, avoid booze get to bed “early”

·         Leave the resort for dinners as you need to. Great new place: Push Cart, was the old “Pirates Cove”, near Ricks. Great food and very reasonable prices (e.g.: huge jerk combo platter $16; steamed red snapper $12). Gary Williams has also invited me to Breezes Grand for dinners.

·         Take long early AM beach walks for a change of atmosphere.

·         A refrigerator stocked with Guinness and extra water helps too!

·         Make sure the massage ladies know that you’ll call them when you need them, and not to bug you daily.

·         Do your best to avoid getting cynical or grouchy over the things at the resort that bug you. Work with the management to get them identified and fixed and don’t spend your time complaining. Sophia and Serena (imported from Hedo III) are excellent resources. You all know Hedo’s quirks – be a part of the solution or you’re part of the problem.


I’ll get into more details later in my stay. If you have specific questions, feel free to either post to Denny’s message board or send me a private message. Please don’t ask about the financial arrangements I made – that’s Denny’s job J
