Marc & Sandi - November, 2010

Philly Hedo - Hang Dang Gang
Nov. 13th - 20th, 2010

This was our 8th trip home and things are all well and good in Hedo Land.

This week unfortunately has been taken over by the LVD group which seems to think they made the week.  The week before Thanksgiving has always been a busy and sold out week and things were no different this year.  Besides the organizers of that particular group, many of the same faces were there this year as always.  We will say that participation in theme nights, etc... seemed to be way off this trip except for Toga night.  Very disappointed in that.

Things that many worry about:

1) Rooms were clean, plentiful and I didn't hear any bumping horror stories, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.  Also didn't hear of any NO HOT WATER stories, though we did run into that at the spa after our massage.  But during the morning and evening hours it seemed to be plentiful.

2)  Bridge still out. 

3)  Martino's had plenty of A/C and the portions were plentiful.  There were actually plenty of raves from people this week about the food. 

4)  Delroy was still out.  He did stop by on Thursday and hang out by the bar for about an hour or so.  We all got to say hi and wish him well.

5)  EC staff was ok, but was hit and miss during the day.  The dinner entertainment was less obtrusive this year.  The band, etc... seemed to start the loud stuff later.  There seemed to be more low key music during the prime dinner hour which was nice. 

6)  Food was about the same as always.  No big change there.  There was plenty and it's the same old stuff.  They could switch up more here and there, but it was what we were used to and all edible and good.  Not 5 star, but all good.  Yes we did have a lobster night, but wasn't during the beach party as usual.  They got behind and started to try and quick cook it and left some way under done.  They need to plan for this better on the busy weeks.    The choice of fruits at breakfast and dinner sometimes was sparse but for the most part they had it covered.  There were also plenty of greens for salad and veggies to be had on buffet, though mostly carrots and zucchini. 

7) We saw painting and sprucing up going on in some rooms as people checked out.

8) Suite hot tubs were emptied and refilled daily and cleaned on a regular basis.

9)  Booze and top shelf liquor was abound at all bars it seemed.  They had more trouble with the soda lines and were using bottle sodas at many of the bars.  Funny thing is the fountain sodas are all pepsi, but they used coke products as replacement.  Wish they'd stick with the coke products.  Tasted better.

10) The Sundry was in it's usual condition and had it's usual assortment, all good there.

11)  Checking in was a bit slow, but we did get in at 11am with reservations for OVN Jac Suite, so we understood.

12)  PDA's were abound and uncensored.

All in all to us reports of the resorts imminent demise seemed grossly exaggerated.  All seemed about normal at H2 this week.  We enjoyed and loved our trip and made many new friends as always.  Yes we are aware of issues the resort has and we do agree with some of them:  stink of disco and sometimes piano bar, piano bar and disco A/C issues, over booking and bumping, rooms getting a bit old, etc...  But for the most part the old girl is holding her own and it was our usual great time with no real issues.    Until next year friends!

Marc & Sandi