Randy & Eileen - August, 2005

What can we say? We arrived at the resort around 4:00P on Monday August 1. From the moment we stepped out of the van and onto the steps in front of the resort office we were treated as old friends even though it was our first experience. After resting that first day, Monday evening and Tuesday, we ventured over to the "other side". We were booked for the prude side. Eileen was still the shy country girl that I love but as time went on we both learned more about our commitment to each other. We  became converts to the Hedo lifestyle. The action in the nude pool and the infamous Hot Tub was subdued but as the week went on we ventured over there later and later into the evening the scene became hotter and we even joined in on the last night there. On Wednesday, which by the way was Eileen's special day, she was in the wet t-shirt contest. Although she didn't win, the real prize came to us later on that afternoon back in our room. Who ever thought of putting a mirror on the ceiling should be given a raise.  Participating in several of the games makes the trip fun and exciting and if you play you are guaranteed to get some Hedo bucks for which we were able to "purchase" a bottle of fine rum. But soon as the week went on we had to prepare to leave. We met some wonderful new friends and hopefully someday soon we can meet up again. A specail thanks to Susan and Bruce,  Jennifer and Alan for their company and warm memories for showing us how to do "Shots" in the nude pool.
  Eileen and Randy