Brent & Valarie - November, 2004

Brent and Valarie
Rochester, NY

Skipping all the boring details about the flight (long) and immigration (seemed even longer) - let's get on with the real reason this trip report is so important!  The Hedo experience and the people we met there!!

This was our first Hedo experience - and what an experience it was! After preparing, and being addicted to Denny's wonderful medium of Hedo people for a few months, we over-packed and headed to Hedo on Friday Nov 5th. We booked Prude Garden, and ended up in H-block - gasp - NUDE!  This was a most wonderful surprise, but Brent thought that the ganja he found on top of the closet topped the cake!! We were unsure about the nude side thing at first, but darkness soon fell on our first night there, and after dinner, we headed to the hot-tub.  We lurked around a bit and it was rather quiet there that night (thank goodness, our virgin eyes were unaccustomed to Hedo-ville...), so we stripped and jumped in the tub. After getting used to the ever-changing landscape of tub guests, we retreated to the jetty for a moonlight...uh... chat.

HEDO LESSON #1: Getting nekkid was easier than I thought.

The next morning we were like little kids in Disney- not sure where to go first or what to do.  Several months before, we had set up a Yahoo Board for Hedo 2 visitors in November, and had chatted with many folks before arriving.  We exchanged pictures, and we made lanyard name tags to identify each other.  I had all the lanyards, so it was my job to find our Yahoo friends.  We met Rick and Betty in the dining room, first day at lunch. From then on, it was hanging with them and finding all the other wonderful people.  The daylight brought its own "nekkid-nervousness", as the clothing of darkness from the night before had been replaced by nekkid sunlight, but all is well in Hedo.  We met Bill and DeeDee, then John, then Mike, then Keith and Crystal, then Brian and Terisa... there, the kids are all together!

HEDO LESSON #2: Seeing other nekkid people is no big deal. You stop seeing nekkidness, and really see the person.

Monday: Naughty School Girl and Perverted Nerd Night! Even though not a Hedo event, a group had decided to make it a theme night and we jumped on the bandwagon! What fun!!  There were priests, boy scouts from Troup 69, perverted doctors, and of course naughty school girls! Perverted Professor Buck Nekkid made sure all the schoolgirls had a healthy heart by checking with his stethoscope, and Father Barry gave me a glimpse of what he really wears under his garments...Had a great dinner at Pastafari's and partied afterward! Something about Father Barry spanking Schoolgirl Bill made my night...but Bill, you really have to do something about the density of those breasts... Hubby dragged me off to the tub by my pig-tails and asked me to keep the pink sequined glasses on that night...

HEDO LESSON #3: Dressing up can be more fun than undressing! The event is all about what you make it...

Tuesday: PJ Night! Talk about unconventional pajamas - no flannels here (except for the demure little Asian woman who won Most Virginal, but I think that was cotton anyway).  We had fun when Brent wore both my and his outfit, and was a hit with his sequined long schlong, black sarong and my DD sequined boobs.  Almost everyone had to give something a poke, squeeze or grope.  He did get a USDA approved butt stamp, and an Inspected Tag by the Meat Inspector.  Off to the Disco after dinner for a really good time.  We were joined by "Glow Stick John" and many other old and new friends.  We met many more of the Yahoo group by then and had a wonderful time chatting it up with all. Thanks to Sue and Lannie, Brian and Kate, the other NY crew doing their wedding vow renewals, Steve and Melissa, Lee and Caroline and all the names I have since forgotten as a result of too many Diet Pepsi and have all made a difference in our lives...

HEDO LESSON #4: Strangers are only strangers if you haven't met them at Hedo.

Wednesday: Brent's Birthday

It was Brent's Birthday, so it was to be an extra-special day in Hedoville. After talking to the dining room manager (name I can't remember, but a sweetie for sure), we arranged a reserved, decorated table for dinner that night. I snuck away from hubby for a bit, just long enough to visit the vendors on the beach and buy the 3 1/2' high carving of 4 parrots on a tree as a birthday gift. Then, I had to sneak into the dining room with the monstrosity and hide it there till dinner time.  I only had a sheer tiny sarong on my hips, and no time to change before entering the dining area. So here I am, lugging the parrots across my chest, trekking to the dining room... I pass a sweet, wide eyed couple, traipsing behind the bell boy with their luggage-clearly just arriving and in awe of things.  I say Hi, and welcome them to Hedo... the husband quickly says, No English, and defers me to his wife, who speaks very little English.  They have just arrived from Spain for their first visit. I give them the thumbs-up sign, wish them fun and good luck. They nod and smile at the foolish nekkid lady carrying the wooden parrots through the dining room...

HEDO LESSON #5: Nekkidness has no language barriers, and a smile says it all :-)

Wednesday Night: The Shower Scene at Hedo (imagine the Psycho theme playing in the background...)

Arriving back at the room to ready for dinner, we find that there is no water! Eekk!! So I call the front desk to see if there is anyplace to shower before dinner. They tell us to come up to the front desk for a key to Rm 1101 (finally- a reason to go over to the prude side, heehee) to take a shower.  We get the key and trek to Rm 1101, turn the key, jiggle and turn again, swear and jiggle again... The door opens from the inside and Bill is standing there in his towel! We laugh and then DeeDee comes walking out of the bathroom! The front desk was handing out keys to the same shower to anyone who asks for them!!  After frolicking nekkid around the whole place, we are showering and shaving together now, too!!  After Bill and DeeDee left, Brian and Terisa showed up with their towels, too! While we were all there, the phone rang... front desk wanting to know how long we'd all be and what was taking so long - could we hurry it up any, there are many people waiting?? Too funny...

HEDO LESSON #6: The room really floods when there are 8 consecutive showers... bring caulk...

Wednesday Night: Pimp and Ho Night!  Armed with a dozen furry "Let's Party" Pimp hats, we hit the dining room for dinner. We had DeeDee as Sweet MardiGras Ho, Terisa the Western Ho, Crystal the Pretty in Pink Ho... I was Purple Ho. Brian was a Classy Pimp and Brent was Birthday Boy Pimp. Keith, Mike, John and Bill balanced the crowd with their Pimp hats. Even the 3 1/2 foot parrot centerpiece wore Mardi Gras beads and a pimp hat...The staff served champagne and a cake for Brent's birthday.  Then there was the older woman who apologized for the fact that her hands suffered from Tourrett's Syndrome and she couldn't control their actions...only moments before she grabbed his butt, and plunged her hand into his boxers...I want to be feisty like that at her age!! We retired to the Piano Bar for more action.  The girls decided that instead of B-day spankings, Brent should get 37 B-day kisses... DeeDee, Terisa and Crystal split the first 36 and I got kiss #37...a nice, deep one at that!! Hee, hee... not telling you what I  kissed...  Retired to the hot-tub for a few more Dirty Bananas...

HEDO LESSON #7: When there is a small remote control being passed around the group in clandestine fashion, don't ask... just turn it on and off and look to see what woman is SMILING!!

Thursday: Did the Catamaran "Booze Cruise".  A must do, as far as I'm concerned. Get to snorkel, drink, swim, drink, go into caves with bats, really drink after that, jump off the cliff if you dare.  Do the waterslide off the boat, (but if you are nekkid, close your legs or else it hurts) - then drink more... Enjoy Rasta Ralphie's music! Enjoy the sunset. Get in the rope thingee on the front of the boat and let the water massage your very being. Relax and hug someone you love...or someone you just met... it's all good...

Thursday Night: Toga Night...

Be it a sheet or your own creation, Toga night is the epitome of fun! Met up with the couple from Spain once again, and invited them to sit with us for dinner.   Elena and Joaquin were a really fun couple, and we spent the better part of the dinner interpreting and trying to get them to understand things like hot-tub (like playing Charades: hot, water, bath, bubbles, swim...) and figuring out what she really wants from the bar (Vodka and Tonic with lemon, but will settle for a lime.)  Sharing a set of nipple jewels with T and comparing the results... someday I aspire to grow to your proportions, T...  John made arrangements with the dining room staff to reserve a table in honor of Val's Pal's!  Thanks to John, all the Val's Pal's and all the new Pals for making it such a special trip for all of us...

Retired to the hot-tub once again, with the now Toga-less crew, for an evening filled with laughter, conversation, music and inflatable Whack-Me-Hands...oh, if they could only talk...

HEDO LESSON #8:  Sheets aren't just for sleeping !! 

Friday: Winding down... Our last full day at Hedo, we try to make the best of it.  Brent had taken the dive class earlier in the week and is going out for his 2nd dive, so I head to the jetty to see who's there. Sitting in the sun and chatting it up... new people from Val's Pal's are arriving today and I meet HedoDave, star of the British magazine article about Hedo.  We had emailed earlier and exchanged articles!  He recognized me and came up to me on the beach... that's what is so great about Hedo - no fear to go up and talk to a perfect stranger, even when nekkid! Looking down at my previously manicured and polished toenails, and seeing that the HedoBeach had eaten all my polish, I decided that 80% of the substance on the beach is really nail polish that has been consumed by the sand...

Since we still had clothes we hadn't worn yet (go figure) but it wasn't a theme night, we decided to play dress up yet one more time anyway.  Brent was the "screw" and I was the "nut" with a chain mail bikini top... Brian and Terisa were Dirty Doctor and Naughty Nurse, and everyone else was just sexy as hell!! Wandering the grounds after dinner, we stumbled on the mini-golf course!!  Who knew??  We did the hot tub for the last time, and retired early to entertain the mirrors...

HEDO LESSON #9: Time goes by too fast at Hedo...before you know it you have been evicted.

Saturday: After 3 hours of sleep, the darn alarm is screaming at us to get up and outta there.  We drag out of bed, into the 5 headed shower, don't care that it's leaking once again onto the floor in the bedroom, get packed, and put the bags outside the door... Wrap sarongs around us and head for breakfast.  Meet up with a few friends in the dining room, lament the passing of time, and have our last breakfast in the land of the free and the home of the nekkid...  Back to the room to put on "real clothes" for the first time in 8 days and head for the front desk to check out.  I see a little lizard skittle across the path that I am solemnly walking and think, "You'll be all grown up when I get back here next year, little guy... watch for me."

There, we find all the people we have gotten to know and love... we hug and kiss...and I see tears in their eyes, and that makes me cry, too. Leaving "home" is so hard to do...leaving friends is even harder...promises to stay in touch and to all meet back here next year... to email pictures that will make the DIF so much harder to deal with, but we want to see those pictures so badly in our email and remember what good friends we have made and what a good time was had by all. We climb on the bus to the wafting beat of the 3 pc band on the sidewalk. We press our noses against the window as the bus rounds the bend, we get a true Hedo we see the nekkid butts that we recognize as our friends, bidding us farewell and see you soon. 

HEDO LESSON #10: It is only then that you realize you are no longer Hedo Virgins, and will have to return many times over...


Valarie and Brent

Val's Pals