Rod & Diana - April, 2002

April 8-13.


First off-best vacation ever! Our first trip, and while Hedo II is definitely not a five-star resort, we knew that going in and adjusted our expectations accordingly...

Booked Air Jamaica using our Delta SkyMiles, and were able to fly First Class both ways. Well worth it, particularly on the return from MoBay as there is a First Class lounge across from the gate. Checked in late Monday afternoon after a windy but uneventful TimAir flight. TimAir was worth every penny-14 minutes runway to runway. (Take lots of singles to tip porters and cab drivers between the terminals).

Didn't see a soul on the way to our room in H Block-not just no naked people, no people at all! Our room faced the path from the prude side to the nude hot tub and pool, and the few people that passed while we were unpacking were fully clothed! We started to feel like we had checked into Sandals accidentally, but a check of the activity sheet in our room showed "Nude Twister", so we figured we were in the right place! I ventured out (naked) to explore, but Diana was not going to leave the room sans clothing until I proved to her there were, in fact, naked people about. Upon returning from the hot tub, I assured here she would not be the only naked person there, so she stripped down and we walked back to the hot tub to find-we were the only naked people there. They had shut the hot tub and pool down for cleaning and there was no one around! (Later in the week discovered "Happy Hour" around 6-7 or so was one of the better times of day for PDA, and the jerk chicken is terrific).

Dinner in the main dining room was about average. Having previously stayed at Sandals in Ocho Rios, we were familiar with the all-inclusive concept and didn't expect great food when cooked for the masses. We usually love to eat good food at nice restaurants when we travel, but by and large Hedo relieved us of having to make the daily decision about where and when to eat, and the food was passable. (Frankly, given the abuse we ended up putting our bodies through during the week with the sun, alcohol, ganja, late nights, and (ahem) "extracurricular activities", we were fairly ravenous and didn't care what we ate.)

Late night activities started in the hot tub around midnight. Diana was kind of shy the first night, so we mainly watched-and there was plenty to watch. So much so we stayed until close to 4:00 a.m.! Slept in late, and discovered if you show up after 10:00 for breakfast you can eat, but don't expect much service. This was true throughout the week. (On our last morning, Saturday, I actually got up about 8:00 and discovered food and coffee at Delroy's bar!)

Caught the Tuesday clothing-optional catamaran cruise, and it was one of the trip highlights! We got naked after leaving port, along with most of the others. The incredibly stoned Rasta Ralphie and his guitar was the chief entertainment. Stopped to snorkel naked just off shore-I was afraid some myopic fish might think my dangling but shrunken little minnow was fish food and decide to take a nibble. Then on to the (closed) Purple Parrot. The cliff diving was a thrill, although I hit bottom from the highest cliff on both attempts. Better to jump then dive, ya got to be careful... The cruise was billed to be a three-hour cruise (all you Gilligan fans together " a threeeeee hour cruise"), but that's Jamaica time so it went a bit longer, and it was worth every penny.

Tuesday night ate at Pastafari, and it was a pleasantly quiet change from the dining room. Since the food was cooked to order, it was somewhat better than the usual fare. Tuesday night was also PJ night, so we changed for the party after dinner, and it was a blast. Saw everything from a naked man with a sock on his organ to expensive lingerie to leather S&M outfits.

I worked out in the new gym after breakfast the next morning. The gym is quite well-equipped but was virtually deserted when we were there (the house was only at half occupancy, or so we were told).

Ate at Munahana on Wednesday evening, which is conducive to good conversation because you're seated at a large Japanese table/grill with others. The cook was sort of a Benihana chef on Jamaica time-which is to say he sliced and diced in slooowwww motion. The food was fresh and adequate, however.

Thursday took the sunset cruise on the catamaran. Although it was not clothing optional, it was as much if not more fun than the previous trip, and the sunset was beautiful.

Toga night was a bit of a let-down after PJ night. The dinner-time activities were fun, but the disco was dead. Went to the hot tub, but retired early. As the nights progressed, in fact, we went to bed earlier and earlier out of sheer exhaustion.

Friday night we made a group excursion "off-campus" with two other great couples, Doug and Sheryl and Jay and Kathy. We had a wonderful taxi driver who came highly recommended by a Hedo regular-his name is Tarzan (yes, really) and he suits the name. He's so big and protective no one even considered messing with us while shopping in town. Went to Xtabi to explore the caves, take pictures, and were served great drinks by the self-proclaimed "world's best bartender". Then on to Rick's for sunset (again) and a terrific reggae band. After four hours of chauffeuring and protecting us, Tarzan charged us a mere $20 (US) per couple, and gave us each a big hug! We tipped him generously this evening and the next day as well after we called him for our ride to the Negril "Airport".


We had joined an email list prior to our trip, and it's a great ice-breaker. I recommend printing the pictures out to take with you so you recognize those you've been corresponding with! I didn't, and sometimes didn't connect real names with faces and email aliases. Sorry we didn't get to know some of you better! Spent much time on dennyps' site prior to departure, and as luck would have it had the pleasure of meeting him at Hedo and later at the MoBay airport for cocktails.

Saw so many body types. While you naturally notice and admire the great bodies (Jess and Stacy, Bret and Marie), what is even more remarkable is how obviously in love, how committed, and how affectionate some couples are (Pam and Randy, Sandi and Bob, Don and Ana). Aside from PDA or PSA, you see a lot of couples just holding hands, or giving each other massages, or just sitting together and talking and having fun. Without the day-to-day distractions of home and children, it's obvious people are taking the time to reconnect with their significant others. The sexually-charged atmosphere merely enhances the shared time together, whether you're demonstrating your affection or merely watching others. It would seem paradoxical to some "back in the world" that people can go to Hedo, see a lot of other people naked, perhaps watch other couples having sex; and even, in some cases, share their spouses with others, yet actually enhance or solidify their own marriages.

We stepped outside our own professional shells; my normally shy and retiring wife progressing from fear of nakedness to utter sexual abandon in the hot tub (and elsewhere), and were even introduced to the "lifestyle" by one particular sensitive and loving couple who shall remain nameless-thanks--you know who you are!

The prior residents of our room had thoughtfully left nearly an ounce of the locally grown crop in our room, along with a pipe and a lighter. Having not smoked in a decade or two, it was fun to lightly partake in another Hedo first. Hope you enjoyed the leftovers, Hedo Dave!

Incidentally, on our way out of Atlanta we ran into a young couple who live near us and were heading to Sandals. As luck would have it, we were all on the same flight back a week later as well. They asked about our vacation, and we told them it was the "best ever", and asked about theirs. They glumly reported it was nothing short of a disaster; the service and accommodations so bad the asked for their money back from Sandals. We encouraged them to call us and get the scoop on Hedo for their next trip!

Please drop us a line. And if your passing through Atlanta we always have room at our place for Hedo people.

We'll be back!

Rod & Diana