Randy & Nancy - October, 2001

I take longer every year to get in a trip report of our adventures in Jamaica.  More like the adventures of  just trying to get to Jamaica.  In 2001 the Lewis and Fish couples finally thoroughly coordinated on the travel arrangements and we were really actually going to fly to and from Jamaica on the same flights, dates, times, everything!  Like we have been trying (and failing) to do since trip one in 1999.  Except then came September 11.  But we decided to go anyway and hadn't we been ordered to by our president to keep the economy going?  I must say seeing that really big United States flag on the front of Hedo II was quite heartwarming and appreciated.  Jeff Lewis had also managed to totally tear apart his achilles' tendon just a couple weeks before our departure.  His loving wife Donna's first question to the doctors was NOT "Will He Live?"  It was:  "Can he still fly to Jamaica???"  He was cleared to go and given a lovely bright Jamaican green cast and the Fishes were recruited to be his personal hand maiden and Cabana Boy for the trip---which now had been extended by several days due to no night flights by U.S. airlines.  It was now our mission to scientifically determine  Can you be at Hedo II TOO MANY DAYS?   Thank goodness we survived the experiment with the obvious conclusion:   NO PROBLEM!

We were there basically three weeks.  Having to haul Jeff's Big Ass all over the U.S. and Jamaica was exhausting.  He is bigger than us, you know.  But a big guy with a big green cast on his leg really gets you the perks---right to the front of all the airport lines, cabs, etc.  However the Fishes got some really unpleasant glares from people who thought we were line jumpers until we figured out to carry a crutch each so that we were obviously part of Jeff's entourage.  Donna apparently resembles someone who normally wears terrorist clothing because she got hauled over at every single airport, searched to pieces and it did not matter what suitcase she carried.  We tried switching bags, no difference.  Once in Jamaica it took a few days to figure out how to get that Big Ass Jeff around but with a superwide floatie and enough drinks (for us, the hell with HIM)  we got into a routine that worked for the duration.  Being in Jamaica mellows out any situation.  There was that one incident, however:  Jeff is beached (as I referred to him), Randy was fetching drinks for all, and Donna and I went out into the ocean.  We suddenly realized Randy was returning with the drinks and began very quickly paddling back to shore on our floaties.  Randy and Jeff were laughing just a bit too much when we landed because Jeff  had said  "This reminds me of feeding time at Sea World."   Just because I would photograph him every time he was crawling around cracking  "here's Jeff having fun in Jamaica."   Oh, yeah, and ONCE  got on his back yelling "pony rides!"  He's just too sensitive.  

It was fun being at Hedo II for three weeks.  I just pretended every 6 days that we had just arrived, we made new friends, the food was good (I have no issue with food someone else has cooked for me), and it was just great to be there.  I was actually not very upset when it came time to go home.  Just started thinking of next year.  Well, now it is next year and we are headed out in early October again.  Only this time the Fishes are going to L.A. and then taking the direct to Jamaica flight---on which they serve the guests free Red Stripe and rum drinks.  5 hours on a party plane--who could want anything more!?  Except for being actually at Hedo II.  Can't wait.  Hope to see familiar faces again.
