Bob & Stephanie - March, 2002

Hi all!!
  We are back to the cold mid west and I can say that I already miss the weather and the atmosphere.  Bob just misses
the body shots and the people.  We tried a few new things this trip such as the Horseback riding that we did on one of
the days that we were there.  That was a nice change  we just wished that we did not have to put pants on.
It was a great trip and hope that they only get better.  The trip started out good (even before we left) because of Denny's
web site and chat line  and we both agreed that  that made the trip even better.
  While we stayed the miss no swim suit contest was going on which made it fun, the only thing that we decided was
not all that great was the Jerry Springer Show,  but we made sure that show on the nude side was just as entertaining.
We can both say that the ocean trips on the raft were like having a cup of coffee in the morning  YOU NEEDED TO TAKE ONE.   But it was not all about the raft trips  was it Troy!  The only disappointment was loosing the camera  and Bob
missing Donna and Steve's wedding.  To our body shot trio  thank you for making this trip great.  Plus the waterslide
with a group was even better than going by ourselves. 
The Bob and Stephanie show was seen everyday at the nude side, however filming was stopped when the gentleman
showed up to show up all the men.  Hats off to Dave!!
  Just so that everyone knows  we have kept in touch with Bob's son  (Big Ben) and he is doing fine. 
  We both had been to II last year November and were both amazed at some of the changes that had taken place.
It did not take away from the resort that we enjoyed the first time  it seemed to add a little bit more to the resort.
Everything was great  (except the boat ride with a hangover) even then we would not change a thing.  Even the ideas that
Olive gave me for my new career... Thank you Troy, Olive, Angela and Antonio you four seemed to MAKE our trip.
It was also great to run into old friends at the airport before we left... Hope we keep in touch Donna and Steve.
There were a lot more people that I know I did not mention and was not because I did not want too, everyone we meet
was very nice and made it a great trip.  Can't wait to get back!!!       Stephanie and Bob