Carmen - 07/00

Trip report for July 3rd through 10th

Hey all, this report is a tad bit late, but better late than never, well that is in some situations, those of us women over 40 dont ever want to be late, unless we purposefully planned on being late by nine months!  I loved talking to everyone across the U.S. by email before we left for Jamaica & it was nice actually meeting everyone, & I miss chatting with all of them since our return.        

There are not enough words to describe my virgin trip to Hedo with Hedo Henry.  First of all there was the little six-seater plane (Tim Air) from Mo Bay Airport in to GNAT.  As I have terrible travel sickness, the bus or taxi was not an option, but looking at the wheels of the plane that had no tread on them certainly made me wonder if I could put up with my travel stomach.  Glad I choose the plane as the pilot was fabulous, although he did keep begging the women to strip & didnt really want to see the men without their clothing on.  From touch down till take off again I had a great time.  Hedo staff was great & I really want to compliment them on their thoughtfulness concerning the unfortunate guest who became ill with a burst appendix while at Hedo.  The staff listened to my concerns regarding the girlfriend of the ill guest & made sure that she was accompanied to & from the hospital as well as having food sent to their room on a regular basis for her & her boyfriend once he returned.  

The food in the main dining hall was great, particularly the Jamaican food, fresh fruit & juices as well as the liquor.  I also loved the Jerk chicken & fish at Roberts Grill.  I am not a heavy drinker so one alcoholic drink per evening was enough for me but it did the trick.  I fell in love with the gardens, birds, water and sunrises (yes that is right, sunrises, as I never did see a sunset) at Hedo & look forward to many happy returns.  Henry & I always had something else to do around sunset.  I actually recommend that people participate in the early morning nature walk, as the staff is very informative.  Next year I hope to meet a staff member who can identify the different types of birds & insects for me.       

It is important to tell you that I left CT a shy, quiet & introverted person & returned to the states as a dominatrix.  I loved being able to walk around naked, watch people have sex, sex & more sex & did I mention that I liked the sex part.  I felt safe, comfortable & relaxed for the first time that I can remember in my life.  The only unfortunate incident that happened while we were there was that I had my hair placed in cornrows & my scalp burned pretty seriously.  Came back to states with shreds of my scalp peeling off.  Looked like I had acquired some type of exotic disease while I was gone.  Next time I will remember to apply a sunburn protectant, not just between my legs but between my cornrows.         

I loved dressing up at night or rather dressing down & the parties were great, especially the body shot parties at Veronicas with the people that we met on line, even though I think my method is the best!  And all of you will just have to wait until next year to find out how I like to do body shots.  I also enjoyed playing in the pool, and if you were one of the people that I hit with a ball I am sorry.    

In summary, I am looking forward to my winter vacation with Henry at Hedo & would encourage all to try Hedo for a fabulous vacation.                               
