Wet, Wild and Wicked - Winter 2013

Hedonism II, Jamaica: December 7-14

Activity Schedule


This list is still very much under construction and should serve as only to provide general information.  It will be updated as the trip gets closer. I'd like to get some new activities on the schedule. Please email me with your suggestions or post them on the message board under the WWW Hedonism II forum. I will post a poll prior to the trip to solicit your preferences and determine any special WWW themes.


The spa will be set up as a playroom for our group on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights from 11:30pm to 3:00am.



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Miscellaneous events

Remember - all activities, dates, and times are subject to change - and probably will. Please email me with other things to add to the list. I welcome suggestions for events, but be prepared to help plan and lead anything you suggest.